It was like I had so many doors already cracked open, so to speak, but this book has thrown them right off the hinges. I would recommend it to anyone.
It also helped me to understand James Thomas' posts a lot better.
by wanderlustguy 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It was like I had so many doors already cracked open, so to speak, but this book has thrown them right off the hinges. I would recommend it to anyone.
It also helped me to understand James Thomas' posts a lot better.
Hehehe - the meme is coming to get ya....
Sounds very interesting, wanderlustguy. I'm making a list of those non-fiction books that people have recommended here....for when I stop screwing around entertaining myself and actually decide to learn something.
I'm in the middle of reading it myself. Great book!
I presume that the book in question is Joseph Campbell's The Power of Myth. This is a great book and it helped me considerably to understand the correlation between the Judeo-Christian religion and other religions. I read this book in High School, and I think I need to read it again.
Read his "Hero of a Thousand Faces" then go out and right a book or movie script. Thats' what George Lucas did.
It is indeed the Joseph Cambell book, a good friend on here told me to get only took a year!
The thing that is hitting me so hard is the concept of man trying to put a name to God, and looking everywhere else for God instead of just taking life itself as the best representative of what we want to label as God.
"The kingdom of God is within you" finally makes sense to me.
Yes, that was what George Lucas did, partially. If you have ever watched any films by Akira Kurosawa you will see quite a bit of "borrowing" from him in the first three Star Wars films.
A Hero With A Thousand Faces is also a great book. My dad (JW PO) hated the fact that I was reading this, but what could he do, it was required reading in my Humanities class.
An Excellent Book. Having had my eyes opened by it several years ago I can highly recommend it. Myth is an awesome subject that takes us on a journey toward understanding the reality of human nature. Mysteries become clarity.
I’m glad you finally got around to reading it. Read a few more like it and then start reading about the history of the world’s religions and empires. Start with reading about the traveling merchants along the Silk Highway and how the myths of the gods were created and intermixed around the camp fires. And then spread around Europe, Africa, Asia and The middle East. It will all make perfect sense.
Then read about human psychology, group dynamics, and the human need to feel a part of a group, that leads them back to their tribal roots. If you can slip in reading about how ancient people interpreted natural disasters and astronomy it will also add to the big picture.
When you put it all together you will see that people have not changed from the beginning of time ‘till now. Neither have their stories or their need to believe in them.
When you get it, it will be a bit sobering but then you can sit back, enjoy life and learn to laugh at it, as well as yourself.
Have fun my friend,