The things you learn about people on this site!
by Jourles 18 Replies latest jw experiences
The things you learn about people on this site!
Thanks for telling your story. I love this site as there is so much support and encouragement. I'm glad you've moved on with your life.
Best wishes
Greetings Josh
It's early Saturday morn here. Just read your post. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it. All I can say is wow you've been all over creation. I'm jealous.
It's amazing, and dizzying when you stop to think about it. The Cof C book and the real truth it has printed in it's pages about the killer Watchtower cult. I have not read it as yet, but have skimmed through different sections of it. This when so many of us here put our stock and confidence living our lives with the surrealism we are better than everyone else, and that we will never die. It's enough to make anyone puke.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing that with us. Just more proof that the web is one of the main tools for enlightenment.
You're free now and that's what counts.
Thanks for the replies - I didn't really expect to get any.
One of the main reasons for my posting this was to let those who are trying to fade know that it can take time. If you are constantly surrounded by witnesses or family that are witnesses, it is hard to do. From the time I started to have serious doubts to the time I was finally df'd was around 6 years. But this timeframe could easily have been extended if it were not for me taking a proactive stance in exposing the WTS. I'm pretty sure Dirtclod shaved a few years or more off of my fading sentence.
And I agree that the web is the one single tool that the WTS fears the most. If it were not for the web, I would have never started to think beyond what the WTS teaches. And if the web didn't exist, I'm also sure that I would never have found out about CoC.....and all you fine people.
Josh, You are truly an intelligent and strong person. I also notice that despite your Dad's addiction you seem to have maintained (even as a kid) a good relationship. Why do you think that is?
I agree with you on the WTS saving your Dad from drugs. We quit smoking and drugs to become JWs, so there were some good things.
Thank you for a great autobiography.
wow man, wild. thanks for that.
Thanx for that Josh - I am soooooo glad that when we had the meet-up in Chicago, I did not ask the classic 'So how did you get out?' We would still be there - that is one long-ass story. But I loved every bit of it - just pullin' yer leg man.
I too attribute many good things to the borg - my brother, though he quit drugs and alcohol before he became a witness, prob lived several years longer than he would have without the 'friendship' he found in his congregation. They were lined up two abreast down the entire corridor of the hospital to see him when he was dying - they had love like I have not seen among Jw's anywhere before or since - and I think that sustained Tim's life for quite a while.
So while I hate the mind control and the nonsense doctrinally - like all religions it can do good at times. I am glad for those who can take some good memories away from the borg like you did.
Again thanx for sharing.