What Flower Represents You?
You're a Calluna. You're confident and pretty, and loyal. You stand your ground and keep yourself in good shape. But you may be a little to egocentric at times.
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Take this quiz, What flower represents you?
by misanthropic 24 Replies latest social entertainment
Okay, in case I didn't get it to work that time here is the webpage to take the test...
What Flower Represents You?
You're a Gerbera. Delicate and caring. You bloom beatifully, but you're a little too sensitive.
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This is what I was, mine got cut off on my first post...
You're a Calluna. You're confident and pretty, and loyal. You stand your ground and keep yourself in good shape. But you may be a little to egocentric at times. -
Brooke, me too!!! You know what they say about great minds.
What was up with the Your Mom stuff?
You're a Gerbera. Delicate and caring. You bloom beatifully, but you're a little too sensitive.
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