I believe I have mentioned before, I works w/ a lunatic jw. This is the same woman who will not go by a shorter version of her name because as she told me in front of some fellow co-workers “Once I found the truth, I put on the new personality and the fruitages of the spirit, so I go by my full name now.” Alrighty then.
My experience w/ the JW secretary at my office
by looking_glass 54 Replies latest jw friends
Hey - what happened to the rest of my post.Here it is -
The day of the memorial, I was meeting with people on my team and granted we were laughing and joking, it was still a meeting, she pokes her head in and says “It is getting late, I just want to make sure you don’t forget about the memorial.” So of course the people I am meeting with think someone has died and they were all concerned.
My friends at work know my history, but not the people on my team. So I had to give the short version of the whole thing.
Hi Looking_Glass:
I don't get it...what does she mean? she goes by her first and last name? or she no longer uses a nickname? either way, makes no sense.
There is a JW receptionist at my office and she is the rudest most unfriendly person there. Everyone has complained about her. I so bad want to bust her chops and notify her that I'm aware that she's a jw (as is everyone else) and that she is certainly not providing a good witness. Of course, I won't do this but I got the last laugh anyway....recently I had a job opening in my group. The supervisor came to me and was going over the resumes of the applicants and the JW receptionist had submitted her resume for the position. I said, sorry...no interview...her attitude and demeanor are a major problem and I don't want anyone like that working in my group.
“Once I found the truth, I put on the new personality and the fruitages of the spirit, so I go by my full name now.”
I didn't know Pride was one of the fruitages of the Spirit?
I give up. There was more to the story then that, but it just keeps posting the same thing and then not letting me delete the duplicate one. So NEVER MIND (said like Rosana Rosana Dana (Gilda Ratner) of SNL)
damn...by the look of the subject I thought it was going to be a steamy thread
Looking Glass...
That happens to me too sometimes when I post?!?! Did you copy it over from WORD or some program like that? That is when I notice it not posting right.
I'd like to hear the rest of the story when you figure it out!
WAC - let me assure you, you don't want this chick and steamy in the same sentence. YIKES!!!
Yeah, Looking_Glass....you can't leave us hanging like this....we want the rest of the story!!
So the latest is been an ongoing drama. My birthday is this month. My friends from work generally do something for me. The office is big enough that I usually can count on a week of free lunches and an afternoon drink fest in my name. Well jw chick hears someone making plans for me. I guess she goes to them and tells them I don’t celebrate my birthday because I do not participate in pagan holidays. My friend knows enough about my problems with the jw chick, that she just says thanks and moves on. Well I guess the jw continues to hear people planning stuff for me and she keeps telling them "no don’t do it" and everyone ignores her.
So the beginning of the week I was working on getting some things done for when a client comes in to meet with us. It is a big deal because it is a federal case and we are going to be the plaintiff (normally we do defense work). The jw chick is a floater, so she is not normally assigned to me. However, I needed additional help, so I got her. Fine, whatever.
On Wednesday, the client comes in and I get him from the lobby and start walking him back to our board room and the jw chick calls out my name and wants me to go over to her. I kind of point to the client and keep walking, but she calls out my name again but this time she comes to me. So I stop thinking it must have something to do with the meeting that we are headed for. She says to me "I just wanted to let you know, people here are trying to organize things for your birthday. I tried to explain to them that it is a pagan celebration and you would realize that it would bring reproach upon Jehovah’s name and that they should not do it, but I heard them talking about again today."
So I just say to her. "Well ….. I am on my way with a client to go to a client meeting. So I will address this later with you." But she does not let it go. She continues to argue with me over how I am going to want to stop it now. I know that my face is beet red because the CLIENT SAYS TO ME "are you okay?" "yes, yes, I am fine." So I just walk away from her as she keeps walking.
So after the meeting I pull her aside and say to her. "You may not understand this, but technically I am your boss. That being the case, DON’T YOU EVER pull a stunt like that again." Here is her classic response "well I feel that my conscious would be bothered if I continued to do work for you." So I responded by say "well my conscious will be bothered by you continuing to do work for me. As such, I will request from HR that you never work with my group again." The problem she now has is that my group is the only group she is suppose to do work for, so this will mean she has no work. So she responds by saying "well I can work for the other attorneys in the group." And I say "but they will not want you to, because if you cannot work for me, then you cannot work for them, because we are a team."
On today’s date, HR was informed by the partner/shareholder of our group, that we have had issues with this jw chick and if she does not refrain from bringing her religion into the office and distracting others from their work that she will be asked to leave. We have a two strikes and you are out policy, so this is her first warning. I wonder if she will think that she is being persecuted because she is a jw.