i'm a mothe of two a boy and a gril my husband was disfollowship because i made him talk to the elder at his kingdom hall before i would commit to him 100%. when all of this took place i wasn't walking with the Lord.
A christian women marry an JW man. (Men can come also)
by s123456 22 Replies latest social relationships
But the Lord has given't me grate peace in Him about it all and I would like every one to konw that they aren't the only ones...
R u still there u guys
yes we're all still here s123456 (may we call you s?
welcome to JWD
ps: you're doing fine, the board isn't really a chat board so responses aren't always instant (a lot of us are replying to many posts ..looking up photos .. checking other sites etc.. patience is often needed here. Sometimes replies are instant and other times there are hours between replies - happy posting.
Welcome, S. If I get the chronology right,
- You have two children (may or may not be from your JW husband).
- You were living common-law with your current JW husband when you were in your pre-Christian state.
- You had him confess and the elders promptly disfellowshipped him.
- You converted to Christianity at some point.
- At some point the two of you married?
- And now...he's been restored to an approved state by the Jehovah's Witnesses?
Do I have it about right?
I feel bad for your husband. They probably still don't approve of him, really. I am guessing your church is much more accepting of you and your situation. Does your husband ever visit you at your church?
jgnat Now i see why you understand how i feel, i to am a christian woman in love with a JW!!
Welcome Mrs S. Paula
Thanks, poodles. One big difference, my JW man loves me back. How's the breakup going? Do you remain strong?
My divorce to a jdub was just finalized on May 18th. I truly from the heart, hope your husband doesn't get re-instated, or has any desire to! My sympathy is with you
I'll embrace your hope, Chimene, so that I won't need your sympathy! Thanks.