I showed up and walked in today's Global Million Marijuana March held in over 200 cities throughout the world today.
Across the street from Pioneer Courthouse Square where we gathered for the march, there were some Protestants singing hymns. So I walked across the street and gave them handouts on OregonGreenFree.com, an Oregon Medical Marinuana Patient Support Group. Of course they gave me gospel tracts which I graciously accepted (for recycle).
One man told me that he believed what he believed and I wasn't going to change his mind. So I asked him if he believed the bible - answer was sort of an amazed "of course!" respnse. So I told him that God gave man every tree and plant and herb as meat. It says so in Genesis 1:29. And since God created Cannabis, He meant it to be used appropriately. The guy got up and stomped off telling me over his shoulder I was perverting scripture! I yelled after him "Goddess Bless You!".
Ok. So I'm a brat. I just LOVE being and ex-JW and "perverting" the scriptures!
I Can't Believe I'm Becoming an Activist!
by BrendaCloutier 10 Replies latest jw friends
Good one Brenda, I think that guy had his knickers in a knot.
Double Edge
Across the street from Pioneer Courthouse Square where we gathered for the march, there were some Protestants singing hymns.
I wonder what brought the protestants out, since it hardly seems like it's a 'religious' issue. weird.
Sounds like it was a good experience for you. Go for it, my sister. Preach it far and wide.
My son would be all for it being legal. Is it good for controlling pain? I'm in pain all the time.
As liberal as I am I have never smoked pot. I probably never will. But if I ever get sick to a point that marijuana will help alleviate my symptoms, I certainly want that option on the table. It should be my choice, since scientific studies have proven it is of benefit, in spite of the recent FDA claims otherwise. I suspect the FDA claims are more politically motivated rather than by scientific study. After all, these are the guys who brought us and took away Vioxx, FenPhen, and many other drugs.
Thanks Brenda!
Hey if you're gonna march the streets for a cause, why not this!! I will admit I was a avid smoker back in the day, but it seems all it did was make me wanna sleep. There have been many studies and articles written over the years about the positive pain effects for people with chronic pain and pot smokin.I say as long as it is made under strict supervision with no chemicle additives, let the people smoke. Prescription pain killers come with soooo many side effects, the only main proven side effect of weed is maybe a few brain cells, but come on, I am sure those prescription pain killers aren't much better. Awesome Job !!!
Here's a couple pics of me in the march - I'm the dumpy one in light green t-shirt and dark green jeans - with my cane.
I had a blast yesterday!
Medical Marijuana (MMJ) has so many applications: pain, neuropaty, eating disorders, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, high blood pressure, glucose balancing, and more. I grow because I am able and I can control what I put into my grow. I'm mostly organic.
Of all the meds my Rheumy had me on for my FibroMyalgia (pain syndrome) and Restless leg spasms, they whacked me out more than helping me manage my pain and spasms. I was getting lost driving to the grocery store. Couldnt remember my way out of our regular grocerystore. Sit and just space. I'd flare with anger for no reasons. One gave me constant migraines. Carbid-dopa/leva-dopa; Neurontin; Flexaril; Valium; Klonapin; Relafen.
I'm now down to just my antidepressant, Lipitor, and 1/3rd of the Klonapin I was taking, with occasional use of tylenol and aleve.
I don't smoke. If I inhale, I use a vaporizer. I usually use my own elixor either sublingually, or in a beverage - Pot-tail. Sublingual or ingestion has a better effect on pain without most of the "stone" effects.
I suppose there are medicaments out there that have worse side effects on patients than does marijuana so I can't see why it shouldn't be used to treat medical probelems.