Gadget Just called.HE is at the Airport

by mouthy 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    He will be at my place on Wednesday( not sure of the time) Mary!!!!! please note -he will be staying the night here. Anyone in the area (Toronto or thereabouts )that want to me him let me know.

    Will be anxious to see him again-it has been over a year.

    Your next Lee lol After me......

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    So we're just going to pass him around eh?

  • blondie

    Hi Gadget, sorry, I'm happily married.


  • ballistic
    Gadget Just called.HE is at the Airport

    Gadget just called... did you understand a word he said though? That very rich North Eastern English accent he has. He can kill me later.

  • Mary

    Hi Mouthy;

    I'll be in touch shortly!! Looking forward to meeting Gadget!

  • mouthy

    ballistic I laughed at your comment. No I did nOT understand him about one thing. LOL He said he was Hiring a car !!! I couldnt get what he meant until he repeated it 3 times DAH!!!!

    Blondie!!!! He is bringing his girlfriend ---- Wish you could come with the other half... remember now I can put you up ( have an extra room(smile ) Paul will be using that room THIS time but remember next time you come I will book ahead for the resatraunt you wanted last time. I always felt bad about your visit. (((HUG))

  • gumby
    Gadget just called... did you understand a word he said though? That very rich North Eastern English accent he has. He can kill me later.

    Hey....if a half deaf guy like me can understand LittleToe.......Gadget will be a breeze.

    Gumby...* hopes like heck Mouthy don't bore Gadget to death with her Tom Jones tapes*

  • blondie

    Gumby, are those the naked Tom Jones tapes she showed us when we visited her?

    Mary, are you going to be in "touch" too with Gadget?

    Blondie (wishing we could be there)

  • mouthy

    Gumby & Blondie Correct yourselves if you please it is SIR TOM JONES...

    Naked tapes???? Dont you wish Blondie....( Me too

  • Carmel

    Don't be sorry Blondie!


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