I once heard that we were not allowed to be pallbearers, but I can't find anything in the WT. Any idea's?
Pallbearers, Are JW's allowed to be pallbearers
by skin 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was a pallbearer for a JW in the early 1980's. I would be surprised if they do not allow that anymore.
Reefton Jack
I was a pallbearer at my grandmother's funeral, some 33 years ago.
I did that after "clearing" it first with the JW Administration - so, no - there was never anything said that put it on the "no-no" liist.
My Mom won't to the family re-union because it is held in the church building used for their recreational purposes. She said a recent Watchtower article stated that you should not to enter?You can't be a pallbearer without entering the church, can you?
AK - Jeff
I carried many a 'pall' as a witness. No rules against it. As for entering a church - it is sorely discouraged - but some do.
One of my former witness pals refused to enter the church for his own mother's funeral - waited outside the door till they came out and headed to the graveyard. I think he might have been a pallbearer too.
JWs can be pallbearers at a JW funeral.
The "rules" regarding non-JW funerals come into play. Even if you get past the "conscience matter" of attending in a church, being a pallbearer in the church could be considered participating in the religious traditions. If the family has the funeral in a funeral home, then the issue comes up that the event is being presided over by a non-JW minister.
*** g76 11/8 p. 25 Happiness Featured at Gilead Graduation ***
It was also a cause for happiness to hear another speaker tell of missionaries who continued faithful in their assignments until death, regardless of surrounding conditions or their health. Among these was one whose pallbearers at his funeral were six young men with whom he had conducted Bible studies and who not only took their stand for Jehovah and his kingdom, but entered the full-time service at the Japanese headquarters of the Witnesses.
I have seen brothers act as pallbearers at JW funerals in the last few years as well.
I was a pall bearer many times as a JW. This was many years ago so things might have changed by now. I think this has happened a few times in JW history.
I have been a pallbearer several times.
I have never heard of any issue regarding being a pallbearer.
Especially at smaller funerals, how else could they move the casket?
Rub a Dub
I was a pallbearer at a JW funeral. When my father-in-law died (a Baptist Deacon) two of my Son-in-laws were pallbearers at the funeral, which was in a Baptist church. Both son-in laws are JWs and there was no fallout from their actions. In fact one of these son-in-laws is now a self-righteous elder.
There are 2 separate issues, being a JW pallbearer at a JW funeral.
Being a JW pallbearer at a non-JW funeral (in a church)
Those who were JWs and a pallbearer at a non-JW funeral, was that within the last 5 years?