After reading a topic started by Lady Lee, I liken the WTBTS to an abusive husband/partner. You are inadequate without it and depend on it for survival. You are not allowed to think for yourself or question.You cannot leave because of the consequences, yet the consequences of staying are as bad (although different). If you finally DO break away, you spend the rest of your life 'looking over your shoulder'.
Is the WTBTS a Bully?
by Joe Grundy 23 Replies latest jw friends
Excellent...yes, it is like an abusive relationship. Which is perhaps why there is so much spousal abuse and child abuse that is not handled properly within the congregations. JWs are so used to the victim being at fault and to sweeping unpleasant things under the rug in an organizational sense, that that same attitude extends to individual dubs too.
The WTS a bully? Absolutely!
Absolutely!!! Everyone is right about how they are like an abusive spouse. As I said in my introduction when I first joined this board I was already in an abusive marriage when I began studying with the Witnesses and I believe that is what made me such a prime target. If I had not been so used to being abused, expecting it, minimizing it, explaining it away and believing I deserved it, I would have seen through their BS sooner. As it was I left my husband and the WTS both.Ahhhh. Freedom!
They emulate the traits of the god they worship. Their god is one of the foremost demons who transforms himself into and angel of light to mislead and harm all he can. He uses guilt, extortion, false and conditional love and distortions of logic and truth to imprison his slaves and the Jehovah Nit-witnesses follow him blindly.
cyberdyne systems 101
Wow this is incredible, I have been just thinking about this myself! I have a close friend who has been verbally abused (considered more and longer lastingly harmful by many) and on doing some research on the subject, started to look at my relationship with the WTS and the similarities were striking. Although departed from this for some years now, I totally relate to the bullying tatics and constant putting down and reliance on them that has been mentioned here, i'm so glad that I eventually realised it was harming me and left. Sure its been a hard struggle to learn to live after the Watchtower, but its been so worth it.
CS 101
They beat you up then tell you it was because of something you did, you deserved it, then they tell you they love you and no one else will..........
Reminds one of a fellow talked about in an ancient book:
Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; he had two horns like a lamb, but he sounded like a dragon. He exercises all the authority of the first beast on his behalf and compels the earth and those who live on it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He also performs great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth before people. He deceives those who live on the earth because of the signs that he is permitted to perform on behalf of the beast.... Rev 13:11-14
Yes they are. They remind me a bit of the Nazis, another organisation that, ultimately, did it's followers no good at all. Like them, the wts demand that all orders MUST be obeyed without question, especially the cruel ones, like shunning.
They remind me a bit of the Nazis
Rutherford got thrown out of the Nazi Party for being too cruel...
Star Moore
Yes, absolutely.. But the worst kind..the kind who pretends to be loving..
The Quiet One