Dan Brown DID NOT write "The Da Vinci Code"! [ VICTORY FOR CHRISTIANS !!! ] WOW! He is a fraud! HE IS A LIAR!!!! As seen on "plan odelia" The search for King Solomon's Chess Service - HERE IS THE POST VERBATIM! The Jesuits Versus The Da Vinci Code -- In addition to looking for The Chess Service of King Solomon, this secret sect of The Jesuit Order, protect The Christian Faith from those that would threaten the belief of members of The Church. Upon the publication of "The Da Vinci Code", The Order went to work to investigate The Truth using a closely guarded secret: ------------------ ACCESS TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN VIA PRAYER TO GOD. ------------------ Brother Grezegorz or "The Hidden Disciple", works in the background or "is not known by anyone". Whenever he "appears", matters are grave. Upon investigating The Truth behind the book, The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown; he called an emergency meeting with the highest ranking of this secret order. The following are the minutes of their meeting... ------------------ Brother Grezegorz: Let me start by handing out the following I typed, before our meeting begins: ------------------ Brother Iulian, you are to have the younger brothers put it on that website you wrote me about. The Following is The Truth Using my "prayer" to GOD. (1) Jesus Christ existed, as stated in the bible. (2) Mary Magdalene existed, as stated in the bible. (3) Jesus Christ "saved" Mary Magdalene from a bad life, by explaining The Truth to her. (4) Jesus Christ DID NOT marry or have any children with Mary Magdalene. (5) DAN BROWN "MADE A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL: HA-SATAN"; THAT IS: [SOLD HIS SOUL FOR WORTHLESS PAPER MONEY],- TO LIE TO THE WORLD THROUGH THE BOOK: "THE DA VINCI CODE" - TO ATTACK THE MINDS OF GOOD CHRISTIANS AND DESTROY THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! (6) Judas Iscariot was a traitor, NOT A HERO - Judas' past is tied to this present AND the liar, Dan Brown (see below). ------------------ PROOF: How to verify our claims Every Catholic is to verify this information, using the method of prayer as stated here: (i) They are to ask GOD, through Jesus Christ, FOR THE TRUTH on these matters. (ii) GOD will then answer that prayer, that night, IN A DREAM. Brother Khrystiyanr: This must be serious! Brother Grezegorz: VERY: Understand, Dan Brown DID NOT write The Da Vinci Code! It was written by a very evil witch. This is why THE WILL demands Catholics recognize The Truth by utilizing The Kingdom of Heaven! They are to ASK GOD for The Truth and they will then RECEIVE The Truth, in the form of a Dream that night. Brother Iulian: A witch? I knew it! Continue please! Brother Grezegorz: THE WILL demands, that Catholics have Faith by believing The Truth shown to them, in their dreams and rejoice according to The Truth they have understood. Brother Haineau: Brother Iulian, has arranged for the website, we should see the results of our message by watching from The Kingdom of Heaven. Brother Grezegorz: Good. All the website needs, is this prayer, so Catholics can verify any and all Truth! Here it is: TO CHECK FOR TRUTH IN ANY MATTER, SAY THE FOLLOWING PRAYER: "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ INSERT SUBJECT HERE ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". ------------------ Example REQUEST FOR THE TRUTH # 1: "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ DID DAN BROWN WRITE THE DA VINCI CODE ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ Example REQUEST FOR THE TRUTH # 2: "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ HOW IS JUDAS ISCARIOT CONNECTED TO DAN BROWN ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ WHAT WILL HAPPEN... Brother Grezegorz: We will use The Kingdom of Heaven to bring Dan Brown (his spirit / MIND), his publisher, and every evil witch that helped support him to TRAIL by THE WILL! Brother Haineau: At last, the world will witness THE POWER of The Truth and those that have faith in Him! Brother Khrystiyanr: Will the Arch-Angels be present for this trial? Brother Grezegorz: From my understanding, we are told to "KEEP WATCH - from The Kingdom of Heaven" for the following Arch-Angels: The Arch-Angel METATRON ; The Arch-Angel MICHAEL ; The Arch-Angel RAPHAEL, and The Arch-Angel URIEL! Brother Haineau: What About Gabriel? Brother Grezegorz: THE MAN Gabriel gave me this dictation - VERBATIM! Brother Tancredo: This will then help Christians understand "The Mechanics of Heaven and Earth"! Brother Tancredo: I will file our Brotherhood's personal report to Pope Benedict XVI. Let us all await for the positive response from the papal's office! Brother Iulian: Please go on, Brother Grezegorz! Brother Grezegorz: THE WILL has allowed this nonsense to persist FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN TO STUDY HOW A LIE LIKE "THE DA VINCI CODE" IS BROUGHT INTO THE WORLD - THEY ARE NOW TO USE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN TO STOP SUCH NONSENSE BEFORE IF MANIFESTS ON EARTH! FOR THIS TRAIL: This is what Christians DEMAND be done - IMMEDIATELY (On or before: MAY 19, 2006)! (1) THE IMMEDIATE CEASE AND DESIST OF THE PUBLICATION OF "A LIE" KNOWN AS "THE DA VINCI CODE". (2) THE IMMEDIATE CANCELLATION OF THE FILM "THE DA VINCI CODE" - NOW THAT THE WORLD HAS UNDERSTOOD THE TRUTH: DAN BROWN IS A FRAUDULENT MAN! (3) A PUBLIC APOLOGY TO ALL CHRISTIANS IN ALL MAJOR NEWSPAPERS & TV: THAT IS "Ads" BY Dan Brown & his publisher FOR PUTTING ALL CHRISTIANS THROUGH MUCH: "MENTAL DISTRESS ; GRIEF ; AND PAIN" THAT COMES BY AS A RESULT OF THE PUBLICATION OF "A LIE" KNOWN AS "THE DA VINCI CODE" AND THE SUPPORT OF "A FOOLISH LIAR" KNOWN AS DAN BROWN. ------------------ THE WILL demands Catholics and Christians do their "Due Diligence" for this trial! Christians are to become HUMAN LIE DETECTORS! They are to let NO LIE pass into their minds by ASKING GOD for The Truth ON ANY MATTER AT ANY TIME! THEN PAY ATTENTION TO THEIR DREAMS. He will REPLY in the form of a Dream that night! To gain insight, Christians are to proceed as follows: All Christians are to ASK GOD for The Truth, in The Name of Jesus Christ, on the following matters! They are then to "fall asleep" to get an answer in the form of a dream! They are to do this to understand who in the world "are not with us"! ------------------ (1) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "HA-SATAN" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (2) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "HYDRA" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (3) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "BEELZEBOUL" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (4) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "WICKEDNESS" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (5) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "MURDER" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (6) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "ANUBIS" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (7) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "ASMODEUS" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (8) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "ENEPSIGOS" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (9) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "BEELZEBUB" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (10) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCH MADE A PACT WITH THE DEMON KNOWN AS "LUCIFER" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ The witches you will be shown, help liars in the physical world by promoting their work via "Book Clubs" etc! THE WILL DEMANDS ALL CHRISTIANS ARE TO STANDFAST IN THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! ------------------ STRONGLY Recommended Prayer Subjects: [ EVERY CATHOLIC MUST ASK GOD FOR THE TRUTH ON THE FOLLOWING MATTERS ! ] [ AND WATCH THEIR DREAMS FOR THE ANSWERS FROM GOD! ] (a) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHO REALLY WROTE "THE DA VINCI CODE" ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (b) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ HOW IS THE LIE CALLED "PAPER MONEY" DISTRACTING MY MIND IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (c) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ ARE ANGELS COHABITING WITH HUMAN WOMEN AGAIN ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (d) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ ARE ANGELS AND DEMONS PRETENDING TO BE HUMAN AND LIVING AMONG HUMANS IN THE HUMAN WORLD ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (e) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF FROM ANGELS AND DEMONS PRETENDING TO BE HUMAN AND LIVING AMONG HUMANS IN THE HUMAN WORLD ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (f) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ ARE EVIL WITCHES PLANNING THE THEFT OF THE PHYSICAL BODIES OF HUMAN WOMEN ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (g) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ HOW DO I PROTECT MY MIND FROM THE ACTIVITIES OF EVIL WITCHES ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (h) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ IS THE JUDAS GOSPEL AUTHENTIC ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (i) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHERE IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (j) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT IS THE STATE OF MIND OF THE ARCH-ANGELS ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ (k) "FATHER, I ASK YOU FOR THE TRUTH: [ WHAT EVIL WITCHES ARE PRETENDING TO BE CHRISTIANS ? ] I ASK YOU THIS, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN". You then go to sleep and GOD will reply in the form of a dream that night. ------------------ NOTE: For your information, these are the names of The Arch-Angels, whose minds are being examined by humans at this time: Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Rathaniel, Raguel, Ramiel, Saraquael, Sandalphon, and Metatron. Further, when the name of an Arch-Angel is pronounced they appear IN THE 4TH Dimension (THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN). A person MUST FIRST FALL ASLEEP in the physical world to then be able to SEE ANGELS in their WORLD - THAT IS [ The place you go, when you dream: IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ! ] ------------------ Brother Iulian: I will have them put it up, immediately. Brother Tancredo: Catholics will be very glad to get this information, let us make haste! Brother Grezegorz: Make sure this website remains free! You are to also give people a chance to download a full copy of this website to their computer to read the knowledge, "in the form of a movie" that has been hidden from their eyes! Brother Iulian: Good idea! I'll see to that myself! Brother Grezegorz: Good, Men! As we never allow each other to forget: THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN !!! Let us go - May God grant us success in Christ! Brother Tancredo, Brother Haineau, Brother Iulian, & Brother Khrystiyanr: AMEN!
Dan Brown DID NOT write "The Da Vinci Code"! [ VICTORY FOR CHRISTIANS !!! ]
by danbrownfraud 25 Replies latest social entertainment
Big Tex
Hint: when typing a hard return can be your friend -
That must be some goooooooooooooood weed you're on.
I'll alert the media.
Dan Brown DID NOT write "The Da Vinci Code"! [ VICTORY FOR CHRISTIANS !!! ] WOW! He is a fraud! HE IS A LIAR!!!!
If he DID NOT WRITE "The Da Vinci Code". Then how can he be a liar?You evangelical people are insane. Why don't you leave us alone? Quit pestering us with your stupidity. Why don't you take your fundie christian nonsense and get the heck out of here? Haven't you got some Muslims to go hate or something? Better hurry, the Lord God Almighty needs you to help him usher in the rapture and subsequent end of the world as we know it. With a calling like that one, why are you here wasting our time?
Doo-doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo-doo Doodily-oooop!
God is so clever he sends people with troubling literacy skills and all the signs of monomania to save our ickle souls. Yeah... whatever you say...
Thanks god... now please save us from followers like this... or at least those who don't think CAPS is a substitue for an argument...
Oh, yeah...
The witches you will be shown, help liars in the physical world by promoting their work via "Book Clubs"
... there was I thinking it was the Illuminati, and it was Reader's Digest all along...
....that was SSSOOOOO SCARY"
Well, Dan Brown didn't claim his book was the Word of God, so how would he be a threat to Christians anyhow? Oh, you mean the idiots who don't understand how a novel can have facts thrown in to a story of fiction to make it more mysterious and invocative? There are lots of books written like that, in fact, I can think of 66 in particular that fit the bill perfectly.