What generation JW are you?

by crazycate 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I'm a 1st generation witness, which seems to be pretty rare here.

  • crazycate

    Greendawn: 1880's would have to be even older than I am...and that's old! My grandmother was baptised in the 50's. This makes me wonder a new wonder...what's the oldest "generations" out there. Of course, here we are dealing with people who've said, "just a minute now..."


  • Mulan

    technically, I'm second generation, but my grandparents did become JW's about 5 years after my parents did, in about 1954.

    Does that make me 3rd generation?

  • Carmel

    baby boomer... retiring again soon!


  • MissBehave
  • looking_glass

    Mulan, I would say you are 3rd. It counts.

    My grandparents came in the late 30's to the early 40's. I think it had to do with the depression and people in the family were looking for something better. You know the whole, is this really all there is? doesn't god have something else planned for us? Those thoughts. As for my grandmother, it was not a stretch for her to become a JW, she was pentacostal (the tongue speaking, snake charming kind), so becoming a JW was a breeze for her.

    I wonder why the 3rd gen seems to be the gen that leaves? There has got to be a theory behind that somewhere? How many people have up and coming gens? I have a nephew who just got bptz'd, so he is 4th gen, poor kid.

  • DannyHaszard

    3rd gen in 1951 two 'anointed' (a Jewish married couple named the Tanlers) recruited my grandfather and doomed my family to misery.

  • unclebruce

    7th so far.. I'm diging up my olds and re-baptising them mormon style ..


  • damselfly

    4th ~ born in. The 2nd generation was my grandmother who converted her mother (my greatgrandmother) this was in the early 60's I think.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    hmmmm how to answer some of these questions

    My grandmother was the first witness but she became one long after my mother was married and out of her home. She was DFed for a while but is back in now - 96 years old

    Then my mother became one but that was while I was in foster care except for 1 year when I was 11 She is still in

    I went back to my mother when I was 16 and then I was baptized a year later at 17 yrs old. I'm not in and never going back

    And I was raising my kids as JWs before I left They are out and never going back

    So we have 4 generations that were involved at different times. We have the generation thing going on but it doesn't have the impact as some people where the whole family has been in for generations

    Good grief my family is messed up

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