The Exclusive Brethren: JW's on steroids in Oz

by HalfWayThere 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce

    I worked with and for Plymouth Brethren in Sydney (of the Eclusive Brethren split) They were afraid of my mobile phone, and never had TV's, radios or computers - Satan being the Lord of the Air' Last week I listened to an ABC interview with Greens Senator Bob Bown (arguably Australia's most respected and influential politicion).Bob said that we should deal with the Plymouth Brethren's interfearence in our secular system the same way we dealt with the Jehovah's Witnesses over the issue of blood transfusion. Legislate changes that mitigate the lunacy, "Jehovah's Witnesses can no longer refuse their children blood transfusions, we simply take them away from their parents and give it too them".

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