LOL at Luna - I thought all unmarried JW couples had chaperones Funny I could go out with as many jw girls as I liked. I hung out with a carload for a while doing silly girly things lol.. trips to walk along the beach and stuff (boy could they talk) but as soon as I got serious and started holding hands I needed a chaperone.
Chaperon Stories
by Dr Jekyll 18 Replies latest jw friends
I never dated in the troof, unc, so I have little direct knowledge of how these things actually worked in Jehootie's borganization.
I mean, the cattle call was just a fluke. Never would have gone if I'd know what was going on.
I sort of went on a date with a bro later but that wasn't really a date either. I think it was a pre-date to see if I was coming back to the dubs or not. We were alone, though. Oooooo *snort*
Maybe I am dating myself with this comment (like the pun?- yuck) - but, when I was a single JW old enough to have a car (let's say 1967 to 1975), we never had this rule about dates. Double dates were kind of encouraged, but it was not a strict requirement. You could take a JW girl out to dinner, sit together at meetings and assemblies, go to movies as a couple, etc. You were just scolded to not go parking and get into the back seat. My cars usually did not have a back seat, so I figured it was safe enough to park in them.
Parties, however, had to have an adult chaperone. Guess they thought that the mob mentality would take over if they let too many of us get together. Actually, the main point with this was to prevent the appearance of beer.
Our favorite was this little old lady who had a huge antique house in a rich historical downtown area. She was so happy to have some teenagers or young twenties around that she just cooked for it all day and never paid any attention to what was going on thereafter.
Very nice old lady, may she rest in peace.
I grew up with a lot of boys and I remember always getting in trouble because we never had "chaperons" around. But to me it was like haning out with a brother, so the idea was so gross. Finally, one day I said to the "older sister" who was trying to guide me towards the right course ... "what is wrong with you, there are around 7 to 9 guys at any given point in time and then me, do you think I am going thru these guys one by one, because maybe that is your fantasy but that is not mine." Thankfully, I had my mom to back me up. So even though it was addressed on a regular basis nothing was ever done.
There was a pelthora of boys but very few girls. Until high school and then all of a sudden all the JW chicks came out of the woodwork. There were several girls who became my friends to get close to the guys I grew up with. That drove me insane.
What I found was a looooong ass table had been put together to accomodate about 15 women....and one guy. I looked around at who had joined the party and, yes, it was all single sisters, giggling and flirting with Brother Eligible Bachelor.
rofl! This reminds me of a story told to me about a nearby cong. Apparently a sista rented out a special room in some restaurant or something along those lines. She was basically having a prom. It was for singles only, and formal attire. The person telling me about it said she felt like she was on the dating game show and kept singing the theme to the show--even now, I crack up whenever I hear that song. THEN we had talks about not "imitating worldly people" by having proms etc.
Sorry to go OT.....I can't think of any funny chaperone stories. I think most ppl in my area either went in separate cars to well-populated public places on their dates or went out in groups. I do remember once a few of us singles had to go on a date with our friend and they kept making out heavily in the movie theater. They were such dorks, it was painful to watch.
I was going to tell a good chaperon story, but then I remember who started this thread and thought it wiser not to give him any more fodder.
Not too many chaperone stories. My soon-to-be-wife and I mostly snuck around by ourselves without chaperones, made out in dark cars, etc. We were naughty. I did get corraled into chaperone duty many, many times though. Sucked.
Dr Jekyll
I was going to tell a good chaperon story, but then I remember who started this thread and thought it wiser not to give him any more fodder.
Awww Mary, come on spill the beans.Please please please, I promise to be good.
I remember once running into some dubs at the local walmart -- two single women in their early twenties and a single man also in early twenties. I was about 12 and saw them in the parking lot -- went over to say hi. They were getting into the guys car which was a two door...the two women were climbing into the back together. I thought that was weird and asked why they were both sitting in the back....they said they didn't have a chaperone and since they were all single it was best for the women to sit in the back seat instead of one of them sitting in front next to the guy. GASP! The scandal of it all!