How can you be an Apostate if you are not oposing something with force? I do not believe in any religion and have trouble with organizations including Corporations (oops already said that with the word religion). I agree with most everything I have read on this board. I am 15+ years out, DF'd on my own accord, I would never go back however there is that damned voice in the back of my mind saying what if I make god mad at me doing this or that. That same voice says stuff like "Am I an Apostate?" I suppose the only reason I care is because of my mom and our relationship, if I was somehow labeled as an Apostate that would certainly end my communication with my mom. I know many of you are saying, sooo.. She doesn't really care for you letting the whole DF thing break up your family. Suppose It's going to take some more time to shutdown all the dumb voices.
I don't know if I am ready to be labeled Apostate
by spawn2u 16 Replies latest jw friends
I do not label myseld an apostate. I consider myself a free thinker and always learning. People label be with all sorts of things, and I do not accept them. The only label I think fits is "ALIVE!" and that makes me want to live life even more and fit that label to the most and not ones I do not accept.
i dont like that term either.. i havent opposed Jesus Christ or God..
i like the term former jehovahs witness better.
"Apostate" is really their word, anyway. And they'll label you with it whether you want it or not.
As for what you choose to call yourself, that's up to you. "Free-thinker" has a nice ring, eh?
Edited to add: I honestly didn't read free2beme's post before posting this, but it sure looks like I ripped it off, don't it? ;-)
Great minds think a like!
Most here aren't actually apostates in the full WTS meaning of the word, so don't sweat it
Does a label with no adhesive still stick?
Wow love, I'd be a different person if I'd been half as brave as you when I was 15! Be very proud of your strength.
Yeah Apostate is an ugly word. It's their word though; they redefine the word like they do with so many others. You get to choose what words you think you are. I think you're just Smart. Keep it up!
Had my apostate checked.Was ok.Taking flomax for it.Slightly enlarged.Hope this helps.
Everything will be ok.Hang in there.
Usually we say apostates for a laugh, the society made that label. If your out your nothing but human and smart.