The Story of Adam & Eve

by LaCatolica 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tea4Two

    Male and Female and evolution? In my estimation there is NO WAY evolution evolved the other sex and from there, we humans procreate. Think about it! If we evolved then we don't need the other sex, going back to the mud buggers.

  • free2beme

    I think it is another example of early man not knowing anything about science and making myth and legends to explain away the past. No different then what the Greeks and Romans did, as well as several other cultures in the world. I honestly have a bad habit of judging someones education on how much they accept this story.

  • james_woods

    Hi Tea4Two - I understand you must support creation over evolution, and I respect that view...but,

    I am somehow not able to follow your point. Are you saying that two sexes are not biologically necessary and therefore would not have evolved? Most evolutionary theories maintain the two sexes serve the purpose of genetic transfer which tends to self correct dangerous mutations. Single sex reproduction would tend to perpetuate chromosome damage through the generations. It is interesting that clone-like budding style reproduction does exist in the natural world; but that bisexual reproduction (i.e. male/female) is much more common in higher organisms, even with plant life.

    But, if the two sexes are not really needed, does it then follow that in any creationist theory two sexes are therefore sort of a frivolous act of God?

  • kid-A

    I believe that God created mankind, at first there were no humans and He had to make a start somewhere and the first pair he created were called Adam and Eve. He just chose to create one pair rather than several.

    It boggles the mind that there are still people in existence that believe mythological crap written 2000 years ago by wondering nomads in the desert. If you honestly believe in this biblical fairy tale, you have as much evidence to believe in Peter the Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland, the tooth fairy and the great pumpkin. The evidence supporting all of these stories is as great as the evidence supporting the myth of adam and eve. They are LITERARY FICTION. Astounding that people operating with this level of intellectual functioning can even survive in modern society.

  • Tea4Two

    Hi there James Woods, So tell me about evolution, "Which came first, the Male or the Female"?

    At least in the Creation story of the Bible there was an Intelligent being who made the decision to create the Male and Female. Although not every detail is mentioned and it does sound like a Myth the way the creation story is told, I still believe we have a higher power than oursleves.

  • Leolaia

    It is easy to underestimate the power of myth, especially myths designed to explain "the way things are".

  • gumby
    It is easy to underestimate the power of myth, especially myths designed to explain "the way things are".

    What gets me the number of people who'll believe something even if it's made of wood or stone, or is a tale told as fact. People in the past must not have questioned as they do now. Have we evolved do you suppose?


  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya, i think it is totally metaphorical too. but i love the story as a metaphor. every time i read it i am filled with this sense of awe, like i am watching my ancient neolithic ancestors invent their god and become conscious with knowledge and abstraction, and the pain involved in this journey. beautiful stuff, imo.


  • Severus

    Adam, I just can't believe that I was an afterthought...and that bit about the rib? Come-on!

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