Is the WT currently associated with the UN?

by lost_sheep 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • lost_sheep

    I know this topic has been beaten to death, i apologize for flogging the proverbial horse again... but someone mentioned a few days ago (can't find that comment now) that the WT STILL has ties to the UN. What evidence do we have for this? If one of its corporations is still affiliated with the UN, seems like that would be quite the scandal. I would absolutely love to have some hard evidence for this. I've seen the info that recently mentions them as an NGO, but i understand now that that in itself is not scandalous. Anywho, if anyone has any insight on this, i'd love to hear it.


  • What-A-Coincidence


  • Legolas

    At least two...under the US and Belgium.....

  • AuldSoul

    No. The Watchtower Society and all attached entities are no longer associated to the UN in any way. They were never technically associated to the UN, but they were an Associate member to the UN's Department of Public Information for the better part of 10 years.

    All of the organizations that are under the Headquarter's organization (Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses) are non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

    Many posters seem have the erroneous idea that the term "NGO" if used in connection with anything UN or anything government related requires some sort of involvement beyond possibly having representatives speaking at an Assembly or Conference on certain topics (a practice Jehovah's Witnesses have engaged in for over 50 years). This is not the case.

    NGO is a generic business term that technically applies to all organizations which are non-governmental in nature, but the term is commonly used to refer to non-profit or not-for-profit organizations (NPOs) that wish to be involved in some way with a particular effort, discussion, objective, etc. that falls within the purview of a governmental organization(s). In the case of free speech, freedom of religion, and several other matters, Jehovah's Witnesses have been addressing governmental bodies as representatives of a concerned NGO for more than 50 years. This was the case in Cordoba, as well.

    I hope this clears up whatever confusion was troubling you.


  • Swan
    I've seen the info that recently mentions them as an NGO, but i understand now that that in itself is not scandalous.

    That is actually a big part of the debate, Lost Sheep. The Watchtower claims it isn't scandalous and that they only joined to use the UN library. Consider what the UN has to say about the role and responsibilities of an NGO in this thread. Unfortunately the links to the original document are no longer working, but the text has been copied to the thread.

  • AuldSoul


    An important distinction is that the link you give only refers to associated or affiliated NGOs apart from the initial definition. None of the functions describing NGOs in the definition are incumbent on any individual NGO, the description is a generic one demonstrating examples of things an NGO might be engaged in. All religious organizations I know of are NGOs, yet many do not fulfill all of the things that definition says an NGO might fulfill.

    When it comes to UN/DPI or UN/ECOSOC involvement, the term "associated NGOs" or "affiliated NGOs" is without fail used. These requirements only apply to NGOs which are Associate members to either the UN/ECOSOC, the UN/DPI, or both. None of the Watchtower entities are associated with the UN/DPI, or UN/ECOSOC, or for that matter the OSCE.


  • heathen
    but i understand now that that in itself is not scandalous.

    Are you kidding me ? It's one of the most scandalous things the WTBTS has ever done . I read the documents that are signed for NGO memership . It clearly states that you must support the UN charter mandate , which the WTBTS claims is satanic and in opposition to the kingdom of the heavens . They sold out big time in an effort to protect their property in hostile countries , now that's what I'm seeing it was about .

  • Inquisitor

    Sorry, Auldsoul

    I got lost in the fine details.

    So was there a problem with the relationship between the WTS and the UN??

    The picture i get now is that you're saying that the WTS merely sent representatives to speak about their organization at UN conferences. That understanding should make them innocent of any accusations of double standards for they are merely giving a witness to the political bodies of this world. Is that what you are saying?


  • AuldSoul


    For almost 10 years, there was a huge problem that the WTS has, to this date, refused to admit candidly. They were an Associate member of the United Nations Department of Public Information.

    Every other tidbit surrounding it—the raging "NGO" debate, the purpose of the membership ("library card" or "influencing government"), and any other factor that distracts from this basic reality that is easy to prove plays right into the hands of the Governing Body. The other issues are important, but they are of secondary importance. The nature of the relationship formed, i.e. "membership" versus "registration", is the first thing to establish—and by itself condemns them of gross wrongdoing.

    Applying to become an Associate member of the UN/DPI (as opposed to the UN or the UN/ECOSOC) was the first gross wrong they committed in this matter, according to their own published standards.

    Organized to Do Jehovah's Will (2005) p. 155, par. 2
    Concerning those who renounced their Christian faith in his day, the apostle John wrote: “They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us.” (1 John 2:19) For example, a person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as by becoming part of a secular organization that has objectives contrary to the Bible and, hence, is under judgment by Jehovah God. (Isa. 2:4; Rev. 19:17-21) If a person who is a Christian chooses to join those who are disapproved by God, a brief announcement is made to the congregation, stating: “[Name of person] is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Such a person is treated in the same way as a disfellowshipped person. The presiding overseer should approve this announcement.

    Both Isaiah 2:4 and Revelation 19:17-21 make perfectly clear that the primary application of this is toward political or governmental attachments. If we stick to the Associate membership issue, the only questions left are (1) is the UN/DPI a governmental organization with objectives contrary to the Bible and (2) is it under judgment by God?

    If we get sidetracked into any other discussion we fall into arenas where semantics and debates over the meanings of words/business terms come into play. I think everyone who examines this issue (including myself) has found numerous personal reasons to consider the Society grossly hypocritical due to heavy involvement with policy makers. But those are largely interpretive (though valid) judgments. On the matter of their maintaining an Associate membership with the UN/DPI for almost 10 full years, there is hard fact and there is the fiction the Governing Body continues to spout as fact.

    They voluntarily chose to join an organization that they teach has objectives contrary to the Bible and one which they proclaim worldwide to be under judgment by God. They are "inexcusable" for this, because they have judged thousands as undeserving of the Kingdom on the same basis. (Romans 2:1, 2) If they did so for a library card, so much the worse. For such a trifle, a "bowl of the red", they traded their heritage. (Genesis 25:27-34)


  • jwfacts

    Randy posted some recent information about some tie, I think it was to do with JW individuals attending some of the UN committees in order to have input. I'm sure my information is not entirely accurate, so it would be good if Randy or anyone that remembers the thread could link to it.


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