What are you doing to stay healthy ??

by Genesis 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • doinmypart

    I do an hour of resistance training Mon, Wed, Fri; and thirty minutes of cardio on Tue, Thu, Sat.

    My diet is 2500 calories a day, 5 meals a day. 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat.

    I supplement with Men's One a Day, whey protein, fish oil, creatine, and Greens Plus.

    As a tie-in to things JW related. Lately the WTS has been talking about not spending too much time on hobbies and health concerns, especially was this the case at last year's district convention. A couple of JW buddies I used to workout with took all of this to heart and stopped working out. It is crazy to me, the WTS doesn't want anyone to spend precious time away from studying, the meetings, and field service. JW friends give me weird looks when I head to the gym after the meeting or miss early morning service because I'm working out.

    Last year the CO was giving a talk about the last days or some such nonsense. He asked a rhetorical question, something along the lines of "can you friends imagine running a mile? Probably none of us in here could..." I was sitting in my seat thinking yeah I can do it in about 6 minutes. I smirked and whispered this to my wife...she was pissed off because I seemed to have missed the CO's point.

  • Ingenuous

    Nothing impressive. I'm walking with a group at work during lunch for a half-hour and limiting sugar to once or twice a week - and no refined carbs (like white flour) if I can help it.

  • serendipity

    I think about health holistically in broad terms.

    I walk (outside) and do exercises for my back, eat organic foods, lots of veggies and lean proteins, few carbs of the grain variety. I allow myself one sweet a week. (That's the hardest rule to stick to.) I drink mostly water, and limit caffeine. I seldom use artificial sweeteners or drink diet drinks. I pay attention to my breathing especially when I'm stressed - it helps get more oxygen to my brain- as does the exercise. I don't smoke, seldom take any kind of pharmaceuticals. I occasionally have wine.

    I've read a lot of self-help for tools to manage my mental and emotional health, as well as spending time with my daughter. I actually do a lot to manage stress like stay organized, plan, limit my work hours, etc.

    And I pray and read upbuilding things for my spiritual health- and avoid 5 meetings a week at the KH.

  • Mary

    I do a workout about 4 days a week average. In addition I will (occassionally) get on my exercise bike at home in the evenings for another 15 - 20 minutes. In the last couple of weeks, I've been busy weeding the flower gardens and starting to plant. I tell ya: no matter how much you work out at a gym, it doesn't compare to working in the garden. I could really feel it in the back of my legs the next morning after weeding........

    I also try to eat healthier too. Tonight I made a pasta dish made with whole wheat spiral noodles, some EVOO, garlic, onions, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, red peppers and tuna. Added parsley, oregeno, basil, sea salt and pepper. It was really good! I also try cutting down on dairy products----I have Almond Milk on my cereal in the mornings (taste much better than soy milk). I try to eat more fruit and veggies. I don't drink enough water though---that's my big downfall.........

    It's funny, I find that once I get used to eating better, my stomach can't handle very much junk food. A few weeks ago, one of the managers could see I was having a stressful day, so he bought me this gooey chocolate thing from The Second Cup. It looked delicious. I had two bites and had to throw the rest away. I felt like shit after eating that and I started to shake and felt awful, so I won't be doing that again any time soon.

    And I can't drink alcohol like I used to either.......2 glasses of vino and that's it for me! And I don't drink pop any more either.....I've had ONE diet coke in the last year and a half.......

  • BizzyBee

    I stopped buying cheap scotch years ago and fell better about it every day.
    Rub - does this mean you aren't drinking scotch?

  • Kaput

    Drinkin' Xango and lots of it!

  • lovelylil

    eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water, walk 3 - 5 miles about four times per week.

  • FairMind

    Exercise and health are things I’ve been interested in and pursuing for over 30 years. On the dietary front I abstain from alcohol eat mostly fish and chicken with plenty of fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds and whole grain cereal. On the exercise front I work out seven days a week alternating an elliptical workout of 70 minutes with an aerobic rider workout of about the same length (for full body toning). I add three days of light weights (20 minutes each time) and do sit-ups and reverse crunches seven days a week. In addition to the foregoing I bicycle two or three days a week (2 1/12 hours or so each time) for a total distance of 300-400 miles per month. I consider myself to be in good shape, especially for my age.

  • JAVA

    I joined the downtown YMCA over 4 years ago and go religiously 4 or 5 times a week. I usually go in the morning before going to work. Weights and the treadmill take about an hour, followed by a shower and off to the office. I’ll be 60-years old this year, and figure I’ll live longer working out at the Y instead of sitting on my butt at the KH 5 or more hours a week.

  • free2beme

    I work out four days a week and do martial arts one day a week, during my lunch breaks I walk to a park to eat that is about a mile away and back. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there, which is the pace I want to keep and about 15 minutes to get back. I then take vitamins twice a day and try to eat 4-5 small meals each day, rather then three large ones. I went to the doctor and was told I had less then 10% body fat, and my weight was perfect. My cholesterol still needs work though, but that is a genetic issue/

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