The Deepest, Darkest, Dirtiest Secret of WTS

by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Metatron,

    thanks for the post.

    Excellent words, truthfull statement!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    Meta, you said

    However, knowledge that the blood issue is a fraud - while people continue to die - could make the molestation issue a minor problem!

    Not to belittle the molestation issue, but I agree totally with that statement. The 'Tower will pay out more in a wrongful death suit than for losing one involving child abuse. When that story breaks, (and it will), there will be some serious hell to pay.


  • Pathofthorns

    Very good post.

    The indoctrination regarding blood is very heavy. On the surface the scripture seems so obvious to forbid it. But with only a fraction of an open mind and some reasoning on the facts, it doesn't take much to at least get people thinking.

    Such a shame the few in control place the survival of themselves and their organization over the lives of their members and doing the honorable thing.


  • radar

    Listen folks.

    The Watchtower is just a multi- million dollar Printing Corperation.
    Religious beliefs have taken second place to finacial matters these days.
    Public relation officers are now virtualy in charge at Watchtower headquarters.
    Their minds have become numb to the sacrifice of innocence and innocent lives.
    So don't expect to see any more Crisis of conscience from any more GB members


  • AngelofMuZiC

    WOW!!! This is astounding!!! Would it be possible for anyone here to provide me with the actual scriptures and commentary? My mother is still a member of the borg, and I am trying to show her how wrong this religion is. I've told her about the child molestation thing, but I think she needs more proof. I think that maybe Dateline should do a story about this one!!! I'm sure it would get alot of attention.

    My Regards,

  • Stealth

    Hello Metatron,

    Great Post,

    This shows where the priorities for the WTBS are:

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ over the lives of their own followers.

    The best these men can hope for is that they were wrong about everything and will not face any judgement before god. Then they can just die and leave the problem to someone else to worry about.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Here is one that every single governing body member has read, and ignored:

    This article breaks the proverbial back of the WTS’s teaching on blood and blood transfusion, and it does it two different ways, with the Bible and with the WTS’s own literature. That it has been ignored is telling.

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