
by I-follow-the-narrow-path 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Saru


    Honey, if you are really interested in learning the truth, please go to your library and read some books i.e. history books, books on cults, mind control, etc. I'm assuming you are interested since you have been studying. Before you commit yourself, you need to do research from a nonbiased source. All the books that you have received from the wtbts is naturally going to biased to their beliefs. I am just worried about you going through alot of future heartache like alot of wonderful people on this site have experienced. When I 1st studied with the sisters and read the knowledge book, I immediately saw red flags when I across the part that said to expect people to oppose to me learning accurate knowledge. Another biggie that felt weird was when I asked about 1914. I read all of the books they gave me really fast-i love to read-.They looked at each other wide eyed & then said that I am "jumping too far ahead" and that will be discussed later on! I was asked if I had been talking to others about my studies with them, how did my family feel,etc. I felt like I was just did something wrong, when the logical part of my brain just knew that I didn't. Sorry to ramble. Just PLEASE be sure of ALL things that you are studying and make use of your library or computer. My very best to you !

  • under_believer
    well... I do my research too. I don't like reading other bibles besides the NWT... it annoys me that they don't use God's name.

    Elizabeth, the Society liberally quotes from other Bibles besides the NWT in their own literature. They also obviously read them a lot, to find those quotations for the articles.

  • undercover
    I do my research too. I don't like reading other bibles besides the NWT... it annoys me that they don't use God's name.

    Would it annoy you if a Bible translation added God's name where it wasn't originally used?

    Would it annoy you to find out that the name that was being used is really a mistranslation of the name of the Hebrew God?

  • lost_sheep

    Glad to hear you're asking questions. I am currently an active JW with serious doubts about the organization. Just remember that the Bible should be the final authority in what we believe. I still use the NWT & i enjoy its rendering of some scriptures, but i personally feel limited in using only it. Don't forget that the Society often quotes from other Bibles. I really like the study version of the New International Version. It uses Yahweh in the footnotes & makes it obvious where the original text had this name. You may be surprised to know that no original manuscripts of the Christian Greek Scriptures/New Testament have Jehovah's name. You can verify that in the Society's own Divine Name brochure. I'd also recommend getting a Kingdom Interlinear Version, also published by the Society. Might be hard to get a hold of, but there are usually some floating around on eBay. Very interesting to see where the original text is reworded in some key scriptures. Sorry about going off-topic. Getting back to the subject of holidays, here are some questions to consider: Does Thanksgiving have pagan origins? Why do some translations mention Job's sons celebrating birthdays? Dogs are mentioned negatively in the scriptures, does this mean we can't have them? How do we decide whether something still has pagan ties? Don't the names of most days of the week come from pagan gods? I agree with what we teach about most of the holidays, but if you take that line of reasoning further, you can exclude lots of things we do today. How do we decide how far is too far?

    Hope i've made some sense to you. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk further. I'm no expert by any stretch, but i have been raised as a Witness & have studied what they teach quite a bit. Just continue researching, & try to accept truth wherever you find it. Don't just accept something someone claims is truth, prove it to yourself thru study of the scriptures & prayer. Acts 17:11, NIV "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." May you find truth.

    Christian love,

  • TheListener

    What is the origin of Father's Day?

    Are wedding anniversaries ok to celebrate?

    Do witnesses have baby showers? Are baby showers a disguised birthday party?

    One reason some holidays are not celebrated is because they give undue honor to an individual or individuals.

    At a wedding reception or anniversary party, who gets the gifts and compliments and good wishes? The God instituted arrangement of marriage or the couple?

    At a baby shower, who gets the gifts and compliments and good wishes? The baby and mother/father?

    What is the origin of honeymoons? Are they acceptable?

    What about pinatas?

    What about luaus?

    If Pinatas and Luaus are acceptable is Thanksgiving or Mother's Day? Why or why not?

    Can you have fleur-di-lis wallpaper in your home? Why or why not? What is it?? The Watchtower has discussed this.

    As you study with the witnesses there are many many specific rules you'll need to memorize. Well, don't worry they'll be glad to make sure you're following them all.

  • AuldSoul
    well... I do my research too. I don't like reading other bibles besides the NWT... it annoys me that they don't use God's name.

    There are other Bible translations that use the name "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" (either of which are equally representative of the God of the Jews) although the NWT is alone in sticking that Hebrew name into the New Testament in locations it doesn't appear in the oldest available manuscripts (or any other manuscripts).

    An example of this is found at Revelation 1:4-8; Revelation 21:5-8; Revelation 22:10-16. In the first instance, the name Jehovah is used when it seems Jesus is speaking (from the context). In the second instance, it seems to be Jehovah who bears the title of "Alpha and the Omega." In the last instance it is plainly Jesus who uses this title in reference to himself.

    But the fact is, the name "Jehovah" is incorrectly inserted in the first instance. There is nothing in the original language to prompt its insertion. Think on that carefully, then consider Revelation 22:18-19 very carefully.

    If you are wary, there is a reason. Please don't ignore your internal warning voice. Even if it is just a whisper, heed it, proceed with great caution.


  • greendawn

    Why are the JWs so obsessed with using the name jehovah, and they are the only one that really do so, in a Christian religion (if the JWs are really Christians I doubt) it's the name of Christ that is most important, the church of Christ not the organisation of Jehovah.

  • Honesty
    Also... i have been regularly studying for about a month now... but known my JW teacher for two years or so

    I'll ask my church to pray for you.

  • carla

    The watchtower has admitted that the pronunciation of 'jehovah' is wrong, yet they brag that they are the 'only' ones who use His mispronounced name. This is a false statement if you check out other religions who also use this made up word. It wasn't even a word until 1270 when a Catholic monk by the name of Martini came up with it. Are you aware of the many other names of God in the bible?

    It sounds to me as if you have not truly checked out this high control group. If it has any truth at all it should be able to withstand some real examination. That would include what it's opponents have to say. What do Greek scholars have to say about the NWT? Did the watchtower have any Greek scholars when they translated it? No, they didn't. Why have they added things and taken certain things out? You need to check this out. This group is unbiblical and you should find out why so many people believe that. Why so much damage to families? There are so many reasons not to join I could go on until next week.Please do a little research into this organization who has it's roots in the occult. Do you even know about it's history with pyramidology, necromancy, phrenology and the like? You are asking about holidays and their so called pagan roots and you are unaware of the watchtower's own roots in paganism? Please research before going further. If it is truth your study partners have nothing to fear, the elders have nothing to fear. If it is not truth they will try to stop you from finding that out. An innocent man does not fear someone checking his whereabouts, a guilty one does and tries to guilt you into thinking you have the problem and that the problem is not with his own actions.

  • jstalin
    it annoys me that they don't use God's name.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses falsely put Jehovah in the New Testament. The name does not appear in the original greek scripts.

    Check out this thread on the topic:

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