Statistics on the Effect of Katrina on Jehovah's Witnesses

by Kenneson 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    I came across this interesting site today, which gives info on the number of homes and Kingdom Halls damaged by Hurricane Katrina in both Mississippi and Louisiana. It's a bunch. Thought I would share it with you.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    There was a bit of a scandal attached to this rebuilding work that was being done by dubs. I don't know the full details but it was something along the lines of Brooklyn putting insurance claims for the cost of repairs plus the cost of the labour but then they were getting brothers to do it for nothing, thereby making a fortune in the unpaid wages.

    Someones bound to come along and correct me though.

  • DannyHaszard

    Katrina relief: Local Jehovah's Witness lends a hand, IL - 1 hour ago
    Jehovah's Witnesses usually invoke an image of men and women walking door-to-door, offering teachings of the Bible. But there's ... '

    'Puff piece' just went up on the wire send your comments to the online paper

  • under_believer

    Yeah, note in the article how unspecific they are about helping non-Witnesses.

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    PUKE!!! This is another "JWs love and help each other and everyone with no evidence or sincerity" article. Granted, this is many many states away from me but no body asked up here in WISCONSIN for any financial aid. Yet, in any situation like this, JWs are discouraged from contributing to non-JW orgs, whether that be time or $$$$. I bet Dr. Jekyll is right on the $$ again. And what took the JWs sooooo long to help their own??? I am sure their JWs have many neighbors that would LOVE some assistance.

  • poodlehead

    A few weeks after Huracane Charlie I asked my Ex-husband a JW if he knew anyone who did roofs. Our house suffered about 20 thousand in damages and our roof was almost gone.

    He said he had no idea of any roofers. About a month later I found out he was on the commette to help JW with out roofs. He himself provided labor to about 50 JW in our erea. But to me an Ex JW he couldn't even give me a name if I was paying.

    That was kind of the last straw with me. After that I began to tell my 13 year old son about what his father is really like. And about JW organization.

  • buffalosrfree

    is this a sign of the times for that area?

    The greater New Orleans area previously had 21 congregations, but since the hurricane struck, only one is left.

    sounds like great new to me for those who still live in the hurricane struck area, less dubs to come around and bother them with their brand of b.s.Looks as if 21 congregations have gotten up and left. some probably seeing the opportunity to disappear will from the radar of the borg, others will have no hope and probably no desire to escape the radar.

    While it is good to help those especially in the faith we do help our neighbors. lmao over that, i wonder how many of those neighbors were asked to donate their insurance check for repairs (if they got one) to further the case of the borg???

    50,000 meals served (to how many people for how long) were the local borthers and sisters asked to provide vittals for the feasts? I just don't believe the milk of human goodness (while prevalent in some) is a outstanding feature of the borg. The fact is they don't subscribe to helping the poor, the homeless, the destitute, unless of course they can get a 15 min bible study with them. leaving an awake or bothtower with someone starving or homeless is of no use at all except for excrement paper. just my 2 on this subject.

  • buffalosrfree

    Dr. Jekyll thats a roger on that, I had thought of the dubs repairing the kingdumb halls themselves and having the insurance company reimburse them for the labor and material. The labor as we know is free, and the feeding of the dubs doing the free work is supported if not totally provided by the local dubs.

    They are so dishonest i wouldn't put it past them, repairing in excess of kingdumb hall for the money even when there is only 1 congregation left in that area, why repair halls that no one is using????? Is it cause mom said too?? so that mom can sell them if the congregations don't show up and make even more money off of all the free labor??? Just a thought.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    As I remember it they weren't just repairing halls and claiming the money for labour from insurance companies, they were also fixing brothers and sisters houses and getting the insurance money from their properties.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Dr Jekyll, you are right there. The wts does nothing for free, there is always a bottom line for them. I bet the non - jws didn't get much help either.


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