It used to be OK to wash your skin. Then they got into all the younger, more glowing, cleansing words. Now we have to "polish" our skin. I understand car polish and show polish even nail polish and floor polish. But skin polish?
Then there is the insurance company that says how unfair it is to have your insurance rates go up when you have an accident. Interesting though how they slip in that this policy will never raise your rates after your first accident. They conveniently and quickly slide that nuggest in hoping people will miss how high your rates will go on the second accident.
And let's not forget luminous hair -- Luminous? what the heck is that supposed to be?
Definitions of luminous on the Web:
- aglow(p): softly bright or radiant; "a house aglow with lights"; "glowing embers"; "lambent tongues of flame"; "the lucent moon"; "a sky luminous with stars"
Are we supposed to wind up with a halo over our heads?
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