What nice, interesting thing did you see today?

by Lady Lee 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    LOL @ Scully

    lily that is so weird. Ottawa's weather is the same as Toronto and the geese here disappear

  • lilybird

    We actually live just east of Toronto and for some reason even though we live right by Lake Ontario, we don't get the severe winter storms like Toronto. Maybe that is why the geese feel it is a safe haven..So they are actually annoying to us.. they never leave and they make a mess with all their goose droppings..

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yesterday I was out on the bicycle path and saw a tree I wanted to take a pic of but I didn't have my camera with me. So this morning I took the camera and off I rolled. I got about a block from the apartment and saw this poor baby bird running around a yard that belonged to a company. Trucks are in and out all the time and it would not have taken long for someone to run him over.

    So I ignored the NO TRESPASSING signs and came closer very slowly and the poor little bird got into a corner while two gulls squawked and dived above. Then a truck went by and the bird got scared and ran further into the yard and right in the garage door. The guys in the truck saw the bird and followed her in while I waited.

    The men came out with a box and had captured the bird. They said they thought it was a falcon but it didn't have talons or a curved beak. I though it might have been a baby duck (this is about 100 yrds from the river). I really didn't think it was a baby seagull.

    Well I brought it home and was going to call the SPCA but decided to do a quick search on the net.

    Not a duck. Not a falcon


    It's a baby seagull.

    The SPCA said to take it back and put it on a flat roof. Well that is beyond what I can do. I took it back to the yard and there was a wooden structure with a platform about 4 ft off the ground. So I put the box there and let her out. She was nice enough to stay and let me take her picture before she started squawking for mommy and daddy. And they were answering her so that was good.

    And then I got out before some very angry seagulls started to dive bomb me to protect their baby.

    Isn't she cute? Not that I would know if it was a girl or boy bird.

    The two adult birds were snowy white. I guess this one has a wardrobe change coming up.

  • Sparkplug

    I saw this lil nut buster this last weekend in my front yard. I tried to get a photo of his nuts, and my kids were laughing so hard. He looked just like that critter that is floating around the net that has these huge nuts dragging on the ground. I thought it was a hoax photo. Well no, most assuredly, these were real nuts this lazy looking critter was dragging around. I just had to laugh!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    poor little fellow

    he looks exhausted dragging them around

  • Sparkplug

    LMAO at Lady Lee. You are so funny!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well look at the poor little fellow - flaked out on a tree branch

  • Sparkplug

    Nothing really, but I thought you all might have seen something better than nothing and will share.

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