Everyone who ever became a jw must have heard the words "bible - trained conscience" many, many times, I probably heard it, and said it, on hundreds of thousands of occasions. When I first got in trouble with the elders for talking to dedpoet, they told me my bible trained conscience should help me to see what was right. I haven't heard the term much lately, but I have thought about it a lot, and my conscience still troubles me quite a bit.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be out of the org and have no thoughts about going back, but I still feel guilty quite often when I do things I would never have considered doing as a jw. I live with dedpoet now, and as much as I love him and he loves me, I feel a little guilty, to say the least, about that. I used to be a regular smoker before I became a jw, and on occasion smoked the odd cigarette while I was a jw, in secret of course. I smoke occasionally now, it's a bit hard to resist living with dp, who is a regular smoker, but I always feel guilty about lighting up in public. My sex life, which was non - existent for about 25 years, is great now, but I feel guilty about it. Neither dp or me have any particular thoughts on marriage at the moment, but whilst I am generally ok with the way things are, I feel a bit guilty about "living in sin".
Needless to say really, dp does not share these feelings, but he has been out almost 7 years, though he didn't da till last summer and has moved on with his life somewhat more than I have.He is very empathetic towards how I am feeling at times though, and shows me far more genuine love than any jw a I have ever met. I have asked him how long I can expect to feel this way, and he, wisely I suppose, wouldn't answer me directly, because I guess it's an impossible question to answer. He did say that the day I do something I wouldn't have done as a jw and don't feel any guilt about it, that will be the day I start to move on. I just wish it would come sooner rather than later.
Sorry to go on a bit, I just needed to let this out.