My Birthday

by Farkel 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    Happy Birthday Farkel

  • binadub


    Happy belated Birthday, Farkel!

    Don't feel old. Remember the question on the IQ test: How many birthdays does a person have? :-)

    Also the saying: "Youth is wasted on the young."

    You've got many happy more birthdays to go, and the best are yet to come.


  • Farkel

    Many thanks folks, for all your kind words and kudus.

    ~ros said:

    : Don't feel old. Remember the question on the IQ test: How many birthdays does a person have? :-)

    One. (But the question is loaded: how many lifetimes does a person have?)


    Farkel, clueless about that stuff CLASS

    Thanks again, guys and gals. I'll write something about something when I can figure out what something about something I think is more than something about nothing, or has been covered before. This is difficult, you know. As much crap as the WTS has put out, it IS a finite amount and just about every piece of crap they have put out has been covered. Well, maybe not ALL of their crap! I'll see what I can do....

  • gumby
    Farkel, celebrating 58 years above dirt....

    Laughin me arse off buddy! I'll be 52 end of this month.......and the getting older thing is buggin the crap out of me........that's why your above quote hit me funny. I suppose we'll be in dirt more than walkin on it......but at least at least are damn bones will be around for awhile and I'm hopin someone makes a nice scultpure or something outta my bones and puts it in a museum somewhere in France so's I'll be aroud forever.

    I've seen it done. I had a guy make me up a replica outta of wood of what I wanna be sculpted as ( see below pic)....but when "I go", I want the real macoy from my hip bone or sumthin. Here's what I wanna be cuz I figure I deseve it for being nutsack to stay in the Organisatioin for 40 years of my life

    Here's a big Happy Birthday to ya.......ya old contancorous smart bastard.


  • Sunnygal41

    Awwwww!! Happy B-Day, Fark.........I know what ya mean, I'm 48 and I often say the same thing! That means you're a bull.........that explains alot!!!

  • gumby

    Well....I tried to edit my last post to remove the dinger and it wouldn't frickin I said some really good stuff about the Fark.

    I'll say it short this time.

    Farkel changed my life. He opened my eyes to things I'd never thought of before. His essays were superb and full of humourous wisdom........

    Fark....your a true hero in the eyes of many.

    I'll call AGAIN soon too. Luvs ya buddy


  • Dismembered

    Greetings & Happy Birthday Farkel

    ps: your posts are incredibly informative. Hope to see more.


  • JH

    Happy Birthday Farkel

    58 isn't old. I never saw your picture, but I imagined that you were a little older, just by the experience and wisdom you demonstrate when you post.

    Keep on posting your knowledge and personal experience on JWD, so that we can all learn from it.

    PS.... Can you spare me $100

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hope you had a great day

  • gumby

    The Farkmeister will be here shorly after noon today. I hear he's giving the Public Talk entitled,

    " How to be a Cult Member for Dummies"


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