Dear mom...
I wish you cared enough about me to ignore the blind followings of some old men that tell you and dad what to do...I wish you could see all the love that I want to share but dont trust you enough to give freely...I wish I knew what to feel on these mothers days....I wish I had the relationship with you that you seem to share with everyone around you except your own flesh and blood...I wish you could see me for the person I have become and not the person I had to become to survive...I wish I could show you the type of parent I have become and see that you are proud of me without thinking about what i am NOT....I wish you did not see me as disfellowshipped and saw me as the name that you gave to me when i came into this world...I wish nothing bad upon you mom...even when you are still around physically you dont contact me when i send you emails, you call the local witnesses on the drop of a dime and directly tell THEM that you are not in town to see me as if it was a badge of shame...sigh. Im done..this is depressing. I do miss you mom...happy mothers day I guess...