REPOST: For mothers who have lost a child

by Lady Lee 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    MrsJones - check you PMs

    (((((Bizzy))))) There is absolutely no reason to apologize for sharing your feelings. To be a mother and have lost a child and then listen to everyone say Happy Mother's Day must tear at the heart. The loss will never ever be forgotten but in time you learn to live with that loss. I have started a thread like this every Mohter's Day so that those of you who need it have a place to know you are remembered at this time too. We need one around Father's Day too. The father's also ache from the loss of a child they wanted and loved.


    I was told after my second child that I would never carry another pregnancy to term. I was in and out of the hospital and on bed rest with meds to get her to the 8th month before she was born. I could not imagine going through 9 losses. My heart goes out to her. Her new child will never replace those that came before but I am glad she is getting her heart's desire. Have a great day with her and the children

  • bebu

    My heart goes to all who have lost a child, and especially you dear ladies on this board. Especially bizzy bee and sf, I convey my deepest sympathies while this grief is exceptionally fresh.

    To become a mother is to have your heart vulnerable for the rest of your life.


  • love2Bworldly

    BizzyBee -- I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, I'm very sorry for your loss. A parent should not have to bury his or her child.

  • White Waves
    White Waves

    BizzyBee, I am so sorry for your loss. I have had 2 miscarriages, 2nd trimester, and can not carry a child to term. Yet I can get pregnant so I must be careful. I have accepted that and hope for my boyfriend's stepchildren or nieces to bring babies into my life one day. Thank you, Lady Lee, for making me feel like I matter on this day. I never included myself before. Everyone has said I would have made a wonderful mother... I will think about the children I have influenced and cared for in my younger years as sibling and babysitter for now and be hopeful towards the future. WW

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG ((((((sf))))) I'm so sorry I missed you.


    Thank you, Lady Lee, for making me feel like I matter on this day. I never included myself before.

    From the moment we find out we are pregnant and begin to wonder what it will be like to have a baby; from the moment we begin to make our plans and buy what we will need; from the moment we begin to dream about holding a child in our arms and later to watch them grow, and put their tiny arms around out neck - we are mothers. The loss of the child never undoes those dreams and hopes for the future.

    You most certainly do matter!!!

  • Fleur

    WW: You most definitely do matter. Any woman who knows the feeling of carrying another life within her, for a day, or to term, is a mother. Any woman who loves a child with all her heart and soul and adopts it to raise as her own is a mother.

    SF, I didn't know about your son, I am so sorry. Bizzy, I am so sorry about your son as well. I can't even begin to know what to say.

    I'm thinking of fathers who've lost children too...they grieve as well. :(

    This holiday turns out to be quite a landmine doesn't it? For those of us who are still sad over our own relationships/lack there of with our mothers, and for those who have, and have lost, the most precious gift anyone can ever receive.

    The anniversary of my first miscarriage is coming up. It was also very near the due date for the second baby. I should've been able to bury the second one, things were not handled properly. It still bothers me, very much.

    Maybe I should go visit my Grandmother's grave this weekend, finally...she was more my mother than any woman ever will be, even the woman who carried and birthed me, her own daughter.

    hugs to all


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Maybe I should go visit my Grandmother's grave this weekend, finally...she was more my mother than any woman ever will be, even the woman who carried and birthed me, her own daughter.

    That sounds like a great idea. And perhaps say a few words while you are there for both your babies

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


  • jgnat


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