The Passion of the Christ

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    Sure the Elders are to tell others what to do, but they are of God

    Oh Elizabeth you are in for a major disappointment if you go around putting your faith in men like this. Elders are just men, they have the same weaknesses and faults that everyone else has. On the whole the only thing that separates them from normal brothers is the amount of time they've spent knocking on doors.

    This site is full of Elders that sinned and that have messed up and made mistakes. Whatever you do as far as joining up please please remember that an elder is no better than a normal brother they're just better at hiding their sins.

    They really have sense of closeness and family and my first time there was great. I felt so welcomed and happy there, I enjoy going there. And isn't it all just common sense? -- don't dress slutty -- don't swear-- don't dishonour God.

    This is known as "Love bombing" it happens to everyone that's new. The novelty in you will soon wear off and once you are baptised and in the net they won't bother with you anymore. Do an internet search on Jehovah's witnesses and love bombing and find out for yourself. I don't think you'll like what you find.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Yeah.. I have reserached "love bombing" and I am aware of what it is.
    I knew what it was before I attended the meetings.
    I am sure it is just to make people feel welcomed.
    Sure they want to use it to convert, but what is wrong with that.
    I mean... it is better than other churchs I went to... which made me feel like wallpaper there.

  • greendawn

    There are many that doubt whether Christ was crucified but very few believe that he never existed and his life was instead completely made up by his disciples' imagination.

  • Hellrider
    Well... I can not think for myself... at all, not really. I must think of what Jehovah wants and what the bible says. Sure the Elders are to tell others what to do, but they are of God... they follow the bible

    Lesson nr.1: That is what they say they are! What someone says they are, and what they truly are, is not necessarily the same!

    Think about it.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    You are spouting lunatic fringe assertions and even they are mostly confirming the actual existence of Jesus the Christ. He made such an impact on the culture that three major religions all adknowledge his existence. What they differ on is the details of course.

  • mrsjones5
    I mean... it is better than other churchs I went to... which made me feel like wallpaper there.

    You sound like a lonely girl in want of attention...I can think of better places to get it than at a kingdom hall but that is my opinon.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    A good movie but fictitious.

  • free2beme


  • Rabbit

    I found the movie disgusting. There was nothing about the goodness that his life and actions could have shown.

    Just a violent death that could have represented many people who died violently back then.

    A waste.

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