JW Table at My Student Center Today, My Response

by breakfast of champions 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot

    adjusted knowledge - "It seem like a complete waste of time."

    Not to them if they're counting time.

  • DesirousOfChange

    adjusted knowledge - "It seem like a complete waste of time."

    Not to them if they're counting time.

    Yep! That's what it's all about. They're probably pioneers!
    (Not to be confused with "making their time count".)

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    For anyone interested, the email I actually sent (specifics blacked-out, of course):

    Subject: Jehovah's Witness Recruiting Table at ******* Student Center

    Dear *******,

    I am currently a non-traditional (I'm 44 years old) full-time student at ******* here in *******. When I graduated high school about 27 years ago, I unfortunately made the decision not to go to college. Why?

    Being raised as a Jehovah's Witness, I was repeatedly warned by church leaders and church-produced literature that college was an "extremely dangerous" place for young Jehovah's Witnesses, and that my "everlasting salvation" would be imperiled should I decide to go to college. So instead of pursuing higher education after high school, I became a "pioneer," essentially a full-time recruiter for Jehovah's Witnesses.
    About five years ago, however, I "awakened" to the fact that I had been raised in a cult, and that I needed to get an education and get on with my life. So here I am at ******* pursuing that goal.
    In light of my background, I hope you can imagine my dismay upon seeing Jehovah's Witness recruiters set up at a table in the ******* Student Center on Tuesday, February 17. My honest belief is that the purpose of this activity is not to educate interested ones in the Bible, but to target young people (who have not yet honed their critical thinking skills) for recruitment into their high-control organization.
    I implore you to view this program just released in January 2015 by Jehovah's Witnesses on their "TV" website. It highlights their stance against higher education and is presented by Jehovahs Witness Governing Body member Anthony Morris III:
    Further information about Jehovah's Witnesses' anti-college message can be found here:

    Assuming it is ultimately your decision as to what groups may or may not set up tables at ******* student centers, I wanted you to be aware of the true nature of this particular group so as to make an informed choice.
    PS: Not having formally withdrawn my membership from the Jehovah's Witness organization as I am under threat of losing all of my family and friends, I am not using my full name or school email address for anonymity's sake. Feel free to email me back if you have any questions.
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So here is the response, which basically says their department is not directly responsible for who gets tables. As long as a religious group is registered with the Office of Student Involvement (basically registers all religious groups at the university), they can reserve a table.

    However, this person did cc the Director of Student Involvement and I am anticipating a response. If not, I will contact the DSI personally.

    So that's where we're at. . . . . .

    Hello ******* ,

    Thank you for your email and sharing your concerns with me. Jehovah's Witnesses Campus Ministry is an affiliated congregation registered with the Department of Student Life/Office of Student Involvement. Affiliated Congregations are permitted to schedule contact tables.

    This is our link about Religious Life on campus: ************* which will give you more details.

    I have also copied *******, our Director of Student Involvement.

    I hope this helps clarify why Jehovah's Witnesses had a table reserved at ******* Campus.

    Let me know if you need additional information.

    Best Regards,


  • PaintedToeNail
    Anxiously awaiting the reply of Director of Student Involvement...
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    So if Scientology wanted to register and set up a table, the university would let them? How about Westboro Baptist? They need to have some better guidelines on just who can come in and set up a table.

    No Apologies

  • DesirousOfChange

    So if Scientology wanted to register and set up a table, the university would let them? How about Westboro Baptist? They need to have some better guidelines on just who can come in and set up a table.

    Yes, I believe they would be required to do so. It seems this "ministering" on the campus of public colleges is the result of a court decision on free speech. The campus is "open to the public" and JWs or Westboro or Moonies or the Klan can "speak" what they like as long as what they say is not "illegal". I believe this goes back to an effort to stop the Moonies at airports and the court determined the have the "right" to be there, but for reasons of "safety" the venue (airport, college, etc) could designate a specific location for them, thus preventing them from being on or near the roadway and causing traffic problem and safety issues. At many airports, JWs have stationary booths or counters offering literature. (Good way for pioneers to count their time!)


  • respectful_observer

    I'm sure some will take umbrage with my view, but universities typically embrace free speech and encourage students to challenge their own opinions and assumptions.

    Even if someone disagrees with Jehovah's Witnesses, or feels their teachings and practices are harmful, unless they are somehow illegal, I don't see any problem with them having a presence on campus.

    If a student feels like killing another human is wrong, should the university ban the U.S. armed forces from hosting a table at the student center?

    If Westboro Baptist or Jehovah's Witnesses want a table on campus...my opinion is, let them. The students can judge for themselves and use their freedom of speech to react to it as they see fit.

    Barring free speech on a college campus is far from most institutions' ideals.

  • OrphanCrow

    If Westboro Baptist or Jehovah's Witnesses want a table on campus...my opinion is, let them. The students can judge for themselves and use their freedom of speech to react to it as they see fit.


    I think it is rather humorous that the JWs have tables on campuses. Places of higher learning attract people with critical reasoning skills.The JWs are only setting themselves up for ridicule with their literature aimed at a Grade 3 level comprehension.

    The JWs are farting in the wind with their presence on university and college campuses. Their arrogance is astounding.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    An update:

    I had a great conversation with the director of student involvement today. She apologized for putting my forwarded email on the back burner and totally understood my point of view.

    The university actually does have quite a bit of control over religious groups on campus, more than you might think. Hate speech and even proseletizing activities are out, and if any such activities are reported, your group will get kicked out. I explained to her that unlike other church groups on campus who actually offer services to the community (food banks, homeless centers, counseling) Jehovahs witnesses offer nothing. Their sole aim is to recruit, which she found interesting.

    She also said there are different levels of involvement for religious groups on campus, and that JWs were on the low rung of that ladder which meant they did not have to sign a "code of conduct" type of form. She said that thanks to my visit, she will see to it that they too have to commit in writing to certain standards set out by the university for religious groups --- which is a small but fantastic result as far as I'm concerned!

    My honest opinion of this person is that based upon what I told her, she would love to kick them off campus, but can't at this point. However, she added that if complaints from students did add up, then action could be taken -- so it was good that I made a complaint.

    I said In all honesty, I doubt there being many complaints, as no one ever even approaches the tables/talks to them in the first place! She smiled and said ,Yes I noticed that as well. I explained to her how this was a great way to "get your time in" which she found rather curious.

    I had her click on the link to the JW broadcast w/Tony Morris and said if she wanted to see what JWs really think about college education and had about thirty minutes, she would see I'm not making this up. The site was on her her monitor when I left, so I hope she watches!

    I've got to say, the people they have working here are top-notch: compassionate, understanding, smart - just fantastic. Every interaction is a pleasure. So glad I had a chance to speak to someone about this whole thing, and perhaps over time changes of some sort might be made.

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