How many JWs really believe the end will come "soon"?
by BU2B 36 Replies latest jw friends
My Name is of No Consequence
I think that deep down, most witnesses feel that their own "end" will come before "the end". Most witnesses just go through the motions and are weary and tired at this point. Believe me, I see it when I go to the meetings. One brother that I know who is staring down 60 said that he is "old, miserable and broke" and knows he will die. He graduated from high school in 1975 by the way. Need I say more? -
Tempest in a Teacup
How many JWs really believe the end will come "soon"?
This question is a hard one because to answer it one should be able to read people's heart.
Apart from the truly sincere ones, the vast majority of jws love to recite formulas to show how "spiritual" they are. Which makes it difficult to determine this really.
What I know for sure is that OUT OF BOTH GROUPS no one still stacks their problems because "A is around the corner" to come and solve it for them. Seems like everyone's making plans for their future...just in case.
But of course I can only talk about jws around me.
Most people do not act decisively in changing routines - and I doubt there will be a mass exodus. It will be more of what we observe now: Missed meetings - especially mid-week, not staying for the full convention program, reduced time in field service and so on. I think we've already reached the stage in which preparation for the Watchtower Study is low.
Similarly, strongly-worded warnings about becoming lukewarm will thunder through the online literature and programs and from the (televisual) platform. Warnings signify worry over trends. What parent scolds well-behaved children?
Don't expect a large increase in apostasy, though. As noted on this forum so many times, apathy, NOT apostasy, is the GB's biggest ever threat to their power and control.
JWs who are serious about the faith believe that the End is near, just about to happen. More zeal and more deep in the WT BS, the higher expectation in upcoming Armageddon. However, as Steve said and I have mentioned before, many JWs are apathetic and could not care less if Armageddon arrives tomorrow or in 100 years. -
As noted on this forum so many times, apathy, NOT apostasy, is the GB's biggest ever threat to their power and control.
Great responses everyone! Food for thought