"Unevenly Yolked"

by pooka 24 Replies latest social relationships

  • Poodles

    Hi Serendipity, good to hear from you again, as you can see i'm still fighting the good fight against myself!! I know i need some serious help with this problem, no one has ever had a hold on me like this, not even my abusive ex-husband!! Just when i think i have the courage, by the time i speak to him i "chicken out"! It seems so simple to just say "goodby", so why is it so hard to do?? Please don't pelt me for going off topic!!

    Hi plmkrzy

    Thanks for your imput! I think i need to swap aliases with you cause i am plmkrzy to allow this to continue another minute!! The licks i took from my abusive ex-husband was easier then the emotional stress Michael cause me!!


  • LDH

    Well isn't it obvious Pooka? One of you is a human being, one is not. Kind of like a bear mating with a crocodile.

    Yes, it's true. You are not of the same genus or even species.

  • spawn2u

    I married an non-believer when I was 21, that lasted for about 1.5 years. She left me got a boy friend and moved out of town, the congregation forbid me from dating of course, I decided not to be alone and started dating which lead to DF because I sinned against god, so they say.

  • Poodles

    I try to read all the post and i find that my problems are no where near as bad as many of the members on this site, which makes me think, " if they can put an end to their problems, why can't i"?? It' food for thought!!


  • inspector_hound

    "#3 How can we be uneven if if we both believe in the same God." But do you... believe in the same God? The more I study all of this the more I come to the conclusion that JWs don't worship the same God as Christians (from Christendom!). We believe in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit... JWs do not. At all. Jehovah is their one, true God... In fact this very evening I have read something on the JW web site telling us how Jesus is A god. Not God. Now, to me that's denying who Jesus really is... (and denying who God is, what He is and what marvelous things He has done, is doing and will do) and I've had this conversation with my GF who had/has JW sympathies. Yes, its all (very) heartbreaking...

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