Wonder if I can get a refund . . .
by garybuss 50 Replies latest jw friends
I suspect they'll send you something like this:
It was hard to know how many to purchase. Some JWs would put the leftover ones in the contribution boxes. It irritated the "brothers" because they already had their money from these tickets. I can remember one year that one of the announcements was not to "donate" these to the contribution boxes.
I can remember they used different colors so that people would not use them from year to year.
Gary has $1.20 worth of tickets. What food could you get with them? --VM44
I was cleaning out my store room and donating clothes to the YMCA today and I just happened to go through the pockets of a suit I am giving away and found these tickets. Guess we know how long that suit has been hanging in my basement.
I remember that color change trick. What a scam company. They didn't miss one single trick did they? -
For some strange reason I have a craving for a Pastrami sandwich and a shasta cola right now!
--VM44 (of the Food Memories that come back to Haunt You class!)
POs Son
Lets see.... $1.20 worth of food.
1/2 of a Jehoagie
1 milk, chocolate or white
2 Shastas, brown or clear
1 Burrito, bean (best gas producer on the menu)
1/2 of a bag of fruit
1/3 Ham and Cheese on Rye (my personal favorite)
1 Muff'n'Egg - Here is one problem with the Muff'n'Egg - They never toasted the English Muffin, so it was chewy.
Enjoy! -
I remember my Dad giving me MY OWN food tickets, to be spent on any items I wanted! Wow, that was So exciting!
The subject of food tickets is enough to make me blow a fuse!
In 1985 I was pioneering™ and making very little money. I had just started my own part time cleaning business, and living hand-to-mouth until it got off the ground. It was the same year the JWs had an "international" convention in Montreal, and we were assigned™ to it, even though I live in Toronto. I couldn't get a room near the convention from the society's lodging list. I would call the hotels minutes after the lists were posted at the hall, but they claimed they were already filled. The closest vacancy I could find was 3 hours north of Montreal, so I ended up staying with another pioneer™ in the "tent city" the society set up. It rained for most of the convention and our tent leaked badly.
The society encouraged us to buy all of our meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner - from them at the convention site. That way, we could avoid worldly™ contact and have more time to fellowship™ with our brothers™. Being a good, stupid little dub, I obeyed. I pre-ordered $70 worth of food tickets, which I received at my local congregation before the convention.
The lineups at the food stands were a nightmare. I never spent less than 45 minutes standing in line waiting for food, even when I left the sessions early. By the time it was my turn to get food they had run out of everything except pop, frozen pudding, and half-filled fruit bags. In the 4 days I was there, with my $70 worth of tickets, I didn't get even one lousy fucking sandwich!!! Most of the tickets ended up in their donation box, because they were absolutely worthless for anything else.
That was the last time the Society ever got a cent out of me.
This is a good place to ask a question I have had for awhile.
At the Conventions, do the "brothers" in the Covention Office get the same food served as served to everyone else? Or do they receive a "special" menu?
I don't think they make them stand in line for the food either!