I'm not a newbie, I'm Mark Hughes, I haven't been here in a while due to business but when I did try to log-in was unable too? Anyway I have re-registered and am glad to be back here with you all again!
Not A Newbie
by shangri-la 14 Replies latest jw friends
Merry Magdalene
Howdy! I'm not a newbie either. I'm actually an emperoress. I, too, had a problem with logging in (my own fault) and decided the easiest way to deal was to start a new account. We can be non-newbies together.
Good to see you again merry, I think it was something to do with me changing my e-mail or something.
I recognise that avatar now how would I describe it again....?
Welcome back Mark
Thanks ((((Lisa)))) I hope you are keeping well? How's your recovery going?
awww...thanks for asking Mark. I'm doing much better. I posted pictures from three days after the accident and then a couple of pictures from last week over at JWF.
Hi, Mark. A non-newbie welcome back to ya.
Hi Mark and Merry!
Mark, what name were you using?
Blondie (inquiring mind)
Welcome back, non-newbies, Mark and Merry....