There is a new girl on this forum. She is only 17, and she is having a "Bible study" (Watchtower indoctrination program) with a Jehovahs Witness-woman. From what I understand, after having chatted with her in a thread on this forum, her parents are not JWs, but are allowing her to have this study. And, after chatting a bit with her here, I can easily see in her posts that she is a very young, naive girl, who knows little about religion, the Bible, and probably life in general. She is probably brainwashed beyond hope allready. It doesn`t take long when they`re that young. So JWs, I want to ask you this:
Do you think it`s right and fair to have one of your "Bible studies" with a girl that young? What the hell does a 17-yearold know about anything? How would you feel if you heard that the Mormons or Scientologists or whatever other wacky group were converting 17-yearolds?
I can`t fucking wait to hear your responses.