I really like the JW... exspecially my instructor, she makes me feel happy
Honestly, I think I am closer to her than I am to my own family. I have a lot of issues, I get attached to easily. I know soon I will NOT like the new people I met
I will find their faults and want to avoid them. I can't help that.
I like comfort from others, but resent the responsibility being a friend,
Besides the JWs being so nice to me I think the reason I stay is because
They are very logical... all there facts (yes I say facts) are clear and logical
I think religion is good for a person like me, because it will keep purpose in my life I think belonging to a group like JW will make me feel safe and secure
Other churchs (or congregations) I have visited are not as welcoming
I like being with people who accept me right of hand vs. having to get to know people
I like making friends right away... I do not like trying to see if a relationship will work.
You know, after reading all of your posts, a two things come to mind:
1) You can lead a thirsty horse to water, but you can't make him drink...
2) There are some lessons in life that you've got to learn on your own, especially when knowing and caring people that try to help you are being ignored,
so, I say GO FOR IT...become a JW.... you'd be perfect, and you'd probably be happy, because you don't have to question or reason, you can just be in total 'bliss' in your own little world. Instead of getting closer to the Creator, you can unthankfully work your tail off for the God that the JWs have created. Have fun, be enslaved free, adios, take care, move on.....there's nothing to see here with a closed mind. With some people, the obvious....isn't.