Another great episode.
While we might cheer for Nikki for standing up to Barb's nasty sister, all that display did was to pull Margie deeper into the family...right when she was starting to question it. And the self-righteousness of the neighbor across the street didn't help any either.
This show leaves me exhausted and sometimes squirming. You want to pull for Bill and family over bad ole Roman and cult, but Bill is running his one little semi-cult of his own. Granted it's not dangerous like Roman's but it's deceitful and harmful to some degree. I'm pulling for Bill, but I'm afraid that in time, he could become just another version of what he is fighting.
Already there are tinges of unrest in his cult:
The oldest daughter (Sarah?) isn't sure if this is right for her.
Ben wants to be like his dad one day, then like the world the next.
Barb is definitely torn between what she and Bill are building with the other sister-wives and how the world views them.
Nikki, well, she's a snake in the grass. She'll be their undoing when it comes time to pick between Roman and Bill.
Poor, cute Margie...she reminds me of people who become JWs because of an emotional attachment they made with the people. She was already to figure out that something wasn't right when she saw Nikki stand up to Barb's sister. Then she saw the emotion attached to the baptism and she got completely swept up into it. I haven't seen anyone rush to get baptized so fast since Delmar ran into the lake to get saved after escaping the chain gang in "O Brother, Where Art Thou".
Each episode reminds me of nuances of the JW religion, even though this show is about fundie Mormons. When I see the similarities, it just goes to show that JWism is more cultish than most people realize. Too bad (most) JWs don't watch TV-MA shows on HBO. It could maybe just cause some to squirm themselves.