"Jehovah's Traveling Salesmen" - Collier's 2 Nov 1946

by Nathan Natas 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Nathan Natas
  • VM44


    This is fantastic! Thank you for scanning this article! Where did you find a copy of that magazine?

    Collier's magazine issues are very hard to find. I think the magazine went out of business at least 40 years ago. In fact, I have never seen personally an actual copy of any issue of the magazine!

    Here is what the cover of the November 2, 1946 issue looks like:


  • Leolaia

    Here is one interesting part:

    "The Witnesses prophesy that suddenly, on some day between now and the year 1984, Gabriel's trumpet will blow. Christ's voice then will announce in loud tones that the final end is at hand, and God's hosts will descend from the heavens to fight the Battle of Amrageddon with Satan's overwhelming numbers. God, of course, will win this battle and the 'Great Theocracy' will then be established on earth. God will rule instead of men, and the only human beings left to enjoy this rule will be Jehovah's Witnesses".

    I didn't expect to see the 1984 date mentioned so early, especially with Armageddon thought to be so close at hand in the 1940s. As an upper limit, it is clearly based on the "generation" doctrine, with 70 years being viewed as a maximum age. I don't think this idea was expressed anywhere explicitly in the literature.

  • M.J.

    Thanks for that Nathan. And Leo, I'm going to try and find references to a 70 year generation on my 1940s era WT CD when I get the chance.

  • cabasilas

    Thanks, Nathan, for these scans!

    Is there an easy way to extrapolate the text? I'd like to be able to read the text by itself.

    Another question. I tried to post one of these .gif files (from the Armageddon, Inc. article) on a page at my website and it doesn't display. It seemed to upload to my site okay. But, when I click on the link nothing displays. Is there something special to make it work? JPEG files seem to work okay, however.

  • under_believer

    M.J., w97 9/15 p. 10 par. 2 Will You Be Faithful Like Elijah? isn't conclusive, but it does contain many references to 70CE, and then says "for over 60 years now we've been doing this stuff," which seems pretty suspicious. Like they're implying "less than 10 years left folks."

  • under_believer

    This one isn't bad either:

    *** it-1 pp. 917-918 Generation ***

    When the term “generation” is used with reference to the people living at a particular time, the exact length of that time cannot be stated, except that the time would fall within reasonable limits. These limits would be determined by the life span of the people of that time or of that population. The life span of the ten generations from Adam to Noah averaged more than 850 years each. (Ge 5:5-31; 9:29) But after Noah, man’s life span dropped off sharply. Abraham, for example, lived only 175 years. (Ge 25:7) Today, much as it was in the time of Moses, people living under favorable conditions may reach 70 or 80 years of age. Moses wrote: “In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; and if because of special mightiness they are eighty years, yet their insistence is on trouble and hurtful things; for it must quickly pass by, and away we fly.” (Ps 90:10)

  • garybuss

    cabasilas, All ya have to do to change those pictures to JPEG's is to open them in a graphics editing program like Paint Shop Pro and save them as JPEG's. Then just upload them to your site as the newly created JPEG files.

  • cabasilas

    Thanks, Gary, for the tip! I'll give it a try.

    Is there a simple way to convert the text of the article to a word file?

  • JW_Researcher

    Thank you for posting this.

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