My mother has just been preaching to me for over an hour (the usual circular reasonging: I have the truth - If I have the truth they will oppose me - they oppose me - So I have the truth...). The one point she seems to have is the thought that God has a people to serve Him. The bible does speek of Him using individuals, but most of the time He also has a special people. What do you think? Should you be part of a religion or shouldn't you (own opinion or biblically speaking)?
My mother started preaching on me today...
by digglina 23 Replies latest jw experiences
Did the Syrian Naaman have to become an Israelite to be acceptable to God?
*** Insight Volume-2 p. 456 Naaman ***
Worshiper of Jehovah. Now filled with gratitude and humble appreciation, the Syrian army chief returned to Elisha, a distance of perhaps 50 km (30 mi), and offered him a most generous gift, which the prophet insistently refused. Naaman then asked for some of the earth of Israel, "the load of a pair of mules," to take home, that upon Israel’s soil he might offer sacrifices to Jehovah, vowing that from then on he would worship no other god. Perhaps Naaman had in mind offering sacrifices to Jehovah upon an altar of ground.—2Ki 5:15-17; compare Ex 20:24, 25.Naaman next requested that Jehovah forgive him when, in the performance of his civil duties, he bowed before the god Rimmon with the king, who evidently was old and infirm and leaned for support upon Naaman. If such was the case, then his bowing would be mechanical, being solely for the purpose of dutifully supporting the king’s body and not in personal worship. Elisha believed Naaman’s sincere request, replying, "Go in peace."—2Ki 5:18, 19.
People were in support for Christ, God e.t.c NOT an organization.
1timothy 2:5 shows that there are three in this. God, Christ then us.
(Mark 9:38-41) 38 John said to him: "Teacher, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he was not accompanying us." 39 But Jesus said: "Do not try to prevent him, for there is no one that will do a powerful work on the basis of my name that will quickly be able to revile me; 40 for he that is not against us is for us. 41 For whoever gives YOU a cup of water to drink on the ground that YOU belong to Christ, I truly tell YOU, he will by no means lose his reward.
- So that shows anyone who is FOR and not against will still get a reward.
Tea for two: You're right. That's excactly what I said...
Blondie: Thank you. That's a good one and one I wasn't really aware of myself. I especially like the fact that you always quote on WTBTS own liturature...
KW13: Yes! This is one example I also use sometimes.
Remains the question -to put it in my mothers words - there has always been some kind of organization. People who met to encourage eachother, elders etc.
And what about the fact that God would gather a people for his name?
Just curious how you think about this. Thank you very much for your responses so far.
(I have to step out for now, but hope to read your responses later)
Will Power
Once again here is a piece written by Tom Cabeen titled
"Does God work Through an Organization?
you'll have to paste into the browser, I can't make it clickable. Its about 1/2 down the pg.
wp -
Hello Digglina!!!
And what about the fact that God would gather a people for his name?
Let the Bible answer that one for her:
For a whole year they met with the church and taught large numbers, and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Acts 11:26
Ask her to prove that God chose the WTBTS/JW's/International Bible Students to be His only approved organization in 1919. What were they doing that set them apart from other denominations?
When she says the 'Preaching Work" ask her to prove that the other denominations weren't preaching as individuals.
The WTBT$ likes to say that only 'Christendom's' clergy preach. They are so lying about that.
I was accused of proselytizing on a pro JW board recently. I retorted with, "I thought only JW's were engaged in the preaching work."
That shut the mouths of the idol worshipping Watchtowerites.
All ancient men prior to Moses were not part of any church or organisation. - Enoch, Noah, Lot, Abraham, Joseph etc
During the time of Israel Job in Asia was said to be the most faithful man alive, despite no adherrence to any organisation
During the time of Israel it was normal for the Org to be against God and lone prophets to be the only ones worshipping him.
In the 2000 years since Christian times there has been no single Org solely identified in the worship of God. Ask your mother who was the organisation that Russell took his beliefs from as one of the continuing line of the F&D Slave?
Also see for details of some of the religions the Watchtower claims were possibly part of that line.
I had a similar discussion with my mom using the same circular arguments. I asked her a question
she couldn't answer, which quieted her down.
The Watchtower says the annointed FDS has been on earth continually providing spiritual food, generation after generation,
since 33 C.E. That means that by the time Russel was born, they would have been on earth for over 1800 years.
So who were they and why didn't Russel consult with them to get his questions answered?
Did the FDS back then consider Russel an apostate for doing bible study and starting a religion independent of them?
IF not, why? Would the FDS class today? If so, why?
drew sagan
Think about the ethiopian eunuch. He became a believer while in travel. When he got back home he was more than likely on his own as to his new found christian beliefs. Such a faith would have had to be strenghted by got to him as an individual for there more than likely was no organization around him. The case can be made likewise for many others.
Don't believe the Watchtowers twised view that God only works through organization. It's a twist of truth that is used to keep you in fear of leaving.