so sorry you were put thru that as a child. I had two young kids in the KH and I know how people can get involved in things that are none of their business. My daughter when in the third and fourth grades missed a lot of school because of illness and was really behind in math. Also, since she was raised in the JW faith, she suffered from some social anxiety and depression. She was actually diagnosed with anxiety as young as 10. (we have a strong pre-disposition to this in my side of the family) So in her fifth grade at school (she is in 7th now)I decided to home school her. Well, in our congregation this was frowned upon. Most of the members ass-u-me-d that I kept her out that year because of the flag salute or holidays, etc. mind you, they never asked me why I did this, not even the elders. And my son who was in third grade was still in regular school, so they should have known I must of had a good reason to do this. And my daughters problem became like local news in the hall. One day a very unbalanced "sister" dropped by my home and tried to ream me out for keeping my child out of school and began telling me that another brother, with a child my daughters age, said the persecution in school was good training for the kids and my daughter would benefit more from staying in regular school.....and that his daughter frequently came home crying because the kids made fun of her but he basically told her to pray about it and suck it up! Yes, that is exactly what she said.
Now, this was not the case at all with my child and I felt it was none of her business so I told her so and next she called me an unfit, unspiritual mother! In my own home. Well, she certainly got an earful after that, and I physically grabbed her arm and flung her out my door, which I slammed behind her. What nerve! And I told that "brother" who told her that, he should get his head checked if he thought a young child having difficulty in school should stay there and be a martyr for the faith.
This is only one example of the "quality" of advice I was given. Anyway, I got my daugher into therapy, left the religion, and she is doing much better today. In regular school with many friends and a straight A average.
If I was your mom, I would have taken you to the Dr. and told everyone in the kh to mind their own business.