Say Whatever You Want To Say About Jehovah's Witnesses

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    The leadership is guilty as charged and do not deserve any pity, the R&F are mainly naive fools that lap up whatever their foxy leaders tell them.

    They think they are elite and that by obeying the WTS they please God but that is far from the truth. There is certainly no paradise for these or any other cultic followers.

  • minimus

    A lot of JWs that have "illnesses" suddenly realize that after stopping meeting attendance, one feels much better!

  • Swan

    They brainwashed my young mind with cult nonsense, but I grew, came to my senses, and learned to think for myself.

    They've robbed me of the most precious things in my life, but I am prospering anyway.

    They promised me everything, but I learned to rely on myself above all.

    They stole my innocence, but I am now wiser than they are.

    They've ruined my life, but I have survived in spite of them.

    They taught me hatred, but I can now forgive the people still trapped inside.


  • Brigid

    If I could say one thing to Jehovah's Witnesses (with the absurd assumption that I would be heard, that is) it would be this:

    Release fear.


  • Finally-Free

    For the most part they are the least significant people on the earth today.


  • plmkrzy

    Have a Nice Day

  • serendipity

    I hope they open their eyes and can find peace, happiness and a way to LIVE life, rather than merely tolerate it. And I hope they learn to be less judgmental of others and to stop spouting a bunch of ridiculous nonsense about demons.

  • Finally-Free
    Have a Nice Day

    Good one!


  • minimus

    "The least significant people on earth".....I like it! They believe no one is like them. The happiest, smartest, moswt wonderful people----they are NOT!

  • Highlander

    The JW religion is a snare and a racket.

    Yep, we should find some of the old signs/billboards that the bible students wore on the streets that stated religion is a snare and a racket. Then proceed to 'wear' those

    same billboards at the next KH meeting. I wouldn't be surprised if my older family members still have some of those signs, as many of those same relatives were involved

    in wearing them on the street corners.

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