I will feel better once i get this off my chest, i don`t know whether it`s ok to mention the cong, but anyway, it`s Hayes cong in Middlesex. What happened, i stopped going to the meetings, and was trying to `fade`, but who should appear on my doorstep, 2 `busy` elder`s (who had nothing better to do, obviously!) Anyway, they said `oh sister, we miss you bla bla bla`, got the bible out, tried to make me feel guilty by reading some scripture`s out loud, brought tears to my eyes, etc. Anyway, they said, `can we come back next week?` and me like a fool said `yes`. Previously to this, one of them had been calling on my door ON HIS OWN making sexual innuendo`s such as ` i don`t have sex with my wife` `sex is great if you can get it`, also he phoned me whilst in the bath a few times, which i though was strange! ( i knew as i could hear splashing, and asked him what it was!) anyway, they returned the following week, bible in hand, same old crafty tactics, `oh sister, can we come in and show you a few more scripture`s?`, bit like the Big Bad Wolf! So like a fool, i let them in. The next thing was, `we want you to be part of the cong again, but you need to come to this meeting with 3 of us`, (as if i didn`t know what they were on about), but they reasuured me that i wouldn`t be D/F, (i had disclosed that i had been seeing someone, and something had happened, but it`s not what you may think! their was a twist to it.) So off i went to the meeting, and woe and behold, who was the chairman, the man himself, Big Pervy Sex Starved Hypocrite! Well he the D/F me. The funny thing was, when i left the room, the door slammed so hard behind me, and nobody touched it, it was weird! Anyway`s after that i thought blow this, he`s not getting away with this, the Pervert, so i appealed and brought the bro`s in,( not sure if they were from bethel.) I had to attend a commitee with 3 new elder`s and the 3 other`s were there too, but not on the commitee. the one thing that i was able to do was expose the Pervert, but all they said to me was, `oh, you need 2 witnesses`, so nothing was done. What makes me laugh about their policy on that is, that pervert`s MAKE SURE that they don`t have witnesses, they don`t want to get caught, do they?! I would love to give out names, but i`m not sure if it`s legal. Oh, by the way, the elder who D/F me, his step father was the P/O who was also on the commitee, and another side-kick! The PERVERT lives around the corner to me, so i sometimes pass him by in the car, yuk!
Give your experience of hypocrytical elders, here`s mine!
by dido 20 Replies latest jw friends
What a lovely bunch. Isn't it super that he could all but proposition you but, because he didn't do it in front of an audience, he's all clear. Typical.
I worked for a hypocrite elder deluxe. Honestly, though, he seemed completely unable to examine his own actions with any sort of objectivity. I don't think he even had a conscience. He spent his time looking for loopholes in the letter of the "law" and seeing how much he could get away with.
I never got close to any other elders. Seemed like the closer I got to various witnesses, the more I got sucked into situations I didn't like. lol
Yes Luna, `don`t do as i do, do as i say` syndrome. I knew a lot of stuff what the elder`s got up to, and wasn`t impressed by most of them.
Besides hiding child molestors, the elders in my congregation used to give a lot of local need parts on keeping your family in line, the man the head of the house, etc. But they had the worst families of anyone in the hall. The congregation called the busy body elders wives the "elderesses" and their kids were the most snotty, self righteous of the whole bunch! Also all the wives were on some type of medication for anxiety or depression and one elder admitted he had an unhappy marriage. I wonder now if they did the local needs as a way of speaking to their own family but were too spineless to do it in person? Who knows but what hippocrites anyway.
Dido, that story sucks! No, not the way you tell it! This "shepherd" is obviously more interested in preying upon the sheep than tending them.I'd call you to offer my support, but I can't be bothered running the bath just now...
That`s a shame Stephanus, thought you might like to play with your rubber duck?!
I was thinking plastic carrot (as opposed to rubber duck), but I believe that was another thread.
I was thinking plastic carrot (as opposed to rubber duck), but I believe that was another thread.
I miss ALL the good threads!
That`s a shame Stephanus, thought you might like to play with your rubber duck?!
No, only elders get issued with those. I've got an inflatable Scooby-Doo, though...
Whatever turns you on Stephanus! Luna, whats this about a plastic carrot?
Thanks for sharing this story . . . . . isn't it strange the double standard? I've never shared this one - with anyone - but here goes. I was a born-in and someone who always wanted to do the right thing. I belived all the BS about telling on yourself - and you will recieve forgiveness and mercy and blah blah . . . . So being a young female (17) with desires of course I meet an attractive man and begin to experiment. The wierd thing was even though I knew what I was doing was against jw principles - it didn't feel wrong - (of course now at 28 I know for sure its not!) But being the one that all the other parents pointed to as an example for their children, I asked a particularly kind brother to meet with me in a JC (which are supposed to be confidential) so I could dutifully report on all of my sins.
So picture it - congregation library - young girl in a room facing three old codgers - having to tell them the particular sex acts she participated in - how many times - for how long - Ewwww! just writing about it gives me the creeps! So they ask me why I am telling (basically accusing me of getting caught by someone and trying to beat them to the punch) I assure them that no - no one knows - especially not my parents. I came to them first . . . . . . . no, I am not pregnant . . . . . how do I know? (how do you think you perverts!) . . . . They send me out of the room and in the end decide on private reproof contigent upon my silence, no one, and they repeat NO ONE is to know, if I so much as mention it I could be subject to DF. Okay - I am worn out and feeling like crap, I head home - actually a little apartment in the back of my aunts house I was renting since I had just graduated high school and moved out of my house. I head straight to the shower, and literally minutes later I hear a knock on my bathroom door. It was my mom and she said "I let myself in - I'll be out here waiting for you." So I am a bit worried but quickly remember that JC's are confidential and the elders had really emphasized it with me. RIGHT? Well, I dried off and what-do-you-know, mom sitting on my bed in tears because Brother R. had called to tell her about my sexual exploits! It just about broke her heart. (later I learned more people knew as well)
I felt bad for my mom - but I was so pissed - I even brought it up to him and told him he had broken his vow to JH . . . . . . he gave me this look like "how dare you accuse me, I am an elder and beyond reproach!" Right then and there every doubt I had ever had aligned and I realized this was the biggest buch of bull crap in the world. So hypocritical. So I went to college got a great career and have never looked back at those nasty elders. :)