How are JW's perceived where you live?

by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard

    Ray Franz described this phenomena as the "great preaching paradox" all the preaching they claim to do as the Evangelist's of the world and practically nobody knows even their basic tenets. Most of the general population don't even think their Christian The spider in the bathtub

  • lonelysheep

    From my views before studying, and those of my fundy christian family--thoughts I grew up with (yet still joined at the proper vulnerable time):

    An annoyance since you're usually woken up by them on Saturday mornings.

    Also seen as people who do not properly worship god.

    A joke.

    Not a real religion.

    Not serving a real purpose.

    As people who take pride in leaving out a lot of what the bible says.

    As people who try to turn others away from god.

  • delilah

    Basically, the people in my neighbourhood, just shudder. Then they close their doors quickly.

  • M.J.

    an annoyance, a bit odd, but generally not worth taking note of.

  • lawrence

    Perceived as devil worshippers.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Around here they are seen as annoying people who just won't seem to take no for an answer.

  • Honesty

    Around here they are perceived as a cult that preaches an entirely different Gospel than what is found in the Bible.

    They're right.

  • mrsjones5

    As a cult.

    There are a lot of churches around where I live. Big churches, more popping up all the time. In my town, one little kingdom hall. When people here find out I was raised in the borg first thing out there mouths "It's that a cult" I don't even have to prompt much any more.


  • DigitalFokus

    I was driving by my old Kingdumb Hall with a co-worker a few days ago and made the comment.."huh, is there many JWs around here?" and my co-worker didn't even know the KH existed. This is a small town (25,000) and most people don't have an opinoin on them or look at them like salesmen.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    In L.A.? Small, annoying sect that bothers people on the weekend.

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