i found one in my door too, but they didnt even really make an effort to talk to me, i was in the backyard mowing the lawn so i didnt hear them, and they saw me when i came back but they just kep walking. (i used to pretend to knock back in the day)
Yikes, there was a tract in my door
by MissBehave 18 Replies latest jw friends
So is the the tract that they are handing out beofre the DC?
So, all these six thousand (?) years of human suffering, wars, famine, disease, etc. have all been allowed to go on so Jehoopla could say, "See? I told you so! I know best! I was right, and Adam and Eve and Satan were wrong, so there!"
Well isn't that about ridiculous!
Double Edge
wow, that convinced me.... where do I sign up?
"Why did God not destroy Adam and Eve and start over with another human pair? Because God's universal sovereignty, that is, his right to rule, had been challenged. The question was, Who has the right to rule, and whose rule is right? By extension, Could humans do better if not ruled by God? In allowing them enough time to experiment with total freedom, God would establish once and for all whether they are better off under his rule or their own. The time allowed had to be long enough for humans to try all types of political, social, economic, and religious systems apart from God's guidance.
So humanity at large are allowed to explore religious possibilities by God Himself, in the hope that they'll come back to Him, yet children of JWs are not afforded the same freedom? Sounds silly to me!
I wonder if someone marked you as a NH (not at home) and plans on calling back?
Blondie, I sure hope not!!! But if they did I wouldn't answer anyway and then I'd get a duplicate tract. Yay!
I let my husband read it last night just to get his opinion as an outsider before we popped it through the shredder. And oddly enough when he got to the paragraph I quoted above...that's the one that made him stop and have a WTF moment. He thought it was utterly ridiculous.
Danny, thanks for those!!!! I wanted my husband to see some more literature illustrations from my childhood and here you have supplied them. Are you on my brainwave?
I remember seeing that last picture in another post some time ago, and a poster posed the question "what did that poor cat do". Still cracks me up when I think about it.
Now that I see those illustrations from those old tracts...it makes me sad. I really haven't seen any propaganda since I left...and now I see it in a different light. The dead and scared people are supposed to be just everyday probably good people and since they are not witnessess they die!!! How sad that I believed that crap!