my experiences (new user =))

by Lehtiveli 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DannyHaszard

    Welcome i was born 1957 3rd generation to hard core rutherford disciples identify with your school experiences.

    Welcome & post often.Kulmakivi Tukiryhmä Jehovan Todistajille (Finnish) is linked at my site links page i wll link yours also straightaway

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Welcome to the board.

    You see seem to be very wise for someome so young!

    Your experience is very interesting. You will meet many diverse people here, all with their own story to tell.

    Your English is very very good. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  • Lehtiveli

    Thanks for everyone. Your replies have been really encouraging and I hope you'll have good time reading my posts in the future.
    It's also nice to hear good things. I think that most of Finnish people seem older than they are.. Maybe it's something in our culture that
    mental age is different than physical age :wink: I took some test for that and I got 28 years mental age, even I'm just 20.That's weird...

    So, thanks everybody for being so nice to me =)

  • Cellist

    Welcome to the board, Lehtiveli. I look forward to reading more of your experiences.


  • Lehtiveli

    Okay, something new again!
    Today I got call from my dad who is elder in congregation (I'm officially still a member even I don't live like that)
    They had circuit overseer visiting and he had talked about me and some other "brothers" in our congregation. Dad said that he had heard some "terrible things" about me and my friend. I think they now have some clue about our web pages. They think that we are "minions of satan" :grinning: *laugh*

    First he asked me do I want to abandon my parents, I said that no I don't want to abandon them. I just want to live my life. He said that I have abandoned them, even I try to keep contact with them and then he said that I should think about "truth" again and if I don't come back they cannot be with me like now. I think he meant that IF I don't come back they will not talk to me anymore. Okay. Now I have abandoned them even I haven't :grinning: They just want to try to make me feel guilty. Oh geez..

    I hate JW's.

    We also talked about goverment body. I asked some questions about is governing body really "guided by God" and then asked why they make wrong decisions even they are guided by God and so on. Then he got furious and hang up. Last words were that elders are coming to visit later. I have to set up my tape recorder and see what they are going to say. :smile:

  • Lehtiveli

    Okay, New little twist again!
    My dad wants to "show our family history" and some photos. Real point is try to get into my emotions and pull me back to "God's organization" :grinning:
    It won't work... I'm still waiting elders to come to talk with me and then they disfellowship me.

  • luna2

    Well, that's a horrible development. Do you have to participate in this guilt-fest?

  • Lehtiveli

    I think I must :frowning: They are really good at forcing to do things.
    Their only weapon is guilt. I have to just try not to piss off :grinning:


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