Im getting hypnotized!

by ButtLight 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    Hope I don't come out with my head spinning in circles spewing vomit on everyone!

    My bf and I saw an article in the paper last night. A hypnotist will be in town, and charges 50 bucks to make you quit smoking. Guaranteed, or your money back, so why not! Of course we all know that this is a no no in the jw's lol. According to this guy, you enter a deep, relaxed state of hypnosis where you are awake and in control. Has anyone else tried this? My bf did it a long time ago, and he said he quit for 13 years. Then he met me, and it was all downhill from there! LOL

  • KW13

    WOW, well good luck <---- look into my eyes

  • JH

  • inbyathread

    My parents used the hypnosis method when they decided to quit. It's been over 35 years for them now. You really have to want to quit and for the first couple of months, stay away from 'smoking parties'

    Good Luck.

  • Brigid

    Good luck, BL. I am quite certain that you will not exit hypnotic state with your head spinning, spewing vomit. It's wonderful to access the un/subconscious. I think this will work for you! You must employ your Will as well but with both of these powerful inner forces working for you, nothing is unattainable for you--nothing.

    Love and Light,


  • ButtLight
    and for the first couple of months, stay away from 'smoking parties'

    This will be the hard part for me. My daughter smokes, and my mom when she is here. Plus we like to go to the bar once or twice a week. If I cant get through the first 3 days, i will be ok. Ive done it before. I hate to admit this, but im up to about 3 packs a day, and i can really feel it in my chest. I really want to quit, and will go in with a positive attitude. Plus, that 300 bucks a month for extra shopping pleasure!!!!!!!!

  • inbyathread

    Good Attitude

  • whyamihere

    Make sure when you are being hypnotized, they eliminate your stupidity too!


  • JH

    Hey Brooke,

    If you see Butt smoke tonight, do this to her pack of cigarettes.

  • ButtLight
    Make sure when you are being hypnotized, they eliminate your stupidity too!

    Oh no you didnt! Um remember hun, your sleeping at my house tonight. What did you say? you want me to cut your hair after you pass out?

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