I was simply a place for Rutherford to store his whisky and party with like-minded GB and overseer’s.
Who was Beth-Sarim built for?
by hubert 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
I am surprised though that the WTS admits on the 2004 CD that the luxury villa was built for Rutherford and not Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
So does this show "deceit", or an "outright lie"?
Merry and blondie, thanks so much for all the material.
Do other cd libraries have the same admission? This would make a good comparison, if it doesn't..
I think its a deceitful pattern the WTS has. When it probably would have created more of a backlash for the "friends" to know that this place was one of King Rutherford's perks, they kept the story that the mansion was built for ancient worthies and Rutherbeer just used it while we were all waiting for them to show up. Once enough time had passed and that explanation became kind of a joke...like, hahaha, you guys really expected a bunch of old prophets to show up and live in this house you built in California?...they dropped it and gave us a version that was closer to the truth. Once he died, they did what they could to clean up his mess. Rutherford's reign is a time period they really try to play down and gloss over.
The society subsequently sold the house and it's been in private hands ever since.
Looking Glass posted this statement. If this is true, then compare this "truth" written in the "Salvation" book, on page 311.
"The Title (bold print mine) to Beth-Sarim is vested in the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in trust, to be used by the president and the society and his assistants for the present, and thereafter to be for ever at the disposal of the aforementioned princess on the earth."
If the property is to be used forever at the disposal of the princes of the earth, how can it be sold off?????
This is an outright lie. Do you agree?
Obviously the WTS contradicts in 2004 the original excuse given and proves it to have been an outright lie.
WT 1920's: Mansion built for the soon to be resurrected princes (some may also find it creepy to be ruled by people that were until recently dead for thousands of years)
WT 2004: Mansion built for Rutherford
In other words back in the 1920's they were trying to cover up Rutherford's shameless love for luxury while claiming to be God's chosen and humble servant. That's another fraudster using religion to promote his own interests. -
Lady Lee
The actual deed says Beth Sarim was built for the Princes of old.
It was understood that it was a place for Rutherford to live due to "health" problems
The rumor was that Franz and Knorr realized Rutherford's behavior was hypocritical and wanted him out of Brooklyn so fewer people would be aware of his real lifestyle. Beth Sarim was a convenient way to get him away from Brooklyn.
I believe they are all true.
A copy of the deed can be seen at http://www.jehovah-witnesses-please-think-twice.co.uk/beth_sarim.html
Rutherford's Alcoholic Antics...
Lady Lee, back in the mid twenties did Knorr and Fred Franz have enough power to make such senior decisions? My impression is that they were very much Rutherford's lap dogs. I don't think they cared about Rutherford being a hypocrite anyway, because they were of the same mentality.
Lady Lee, Thanks for the info on Beth-Sarim. I wasn't able to print out a copy of the deed. My printer would only capture the left side of it. The page was too wide. Is there any other way I can acquire a copy of it?
Do you happen to know where I can get a copy of the sales transaction for Beth-Sarim that the Watchtower sold to a private party to? That would give me the whole "pie".
Thanks again.
Beth Sarim was from the very beginning meant for Rutherford. This is quite clear from an article Robert J. Martin wrote for the March 19, 1930 Golden Age.
In fact, in that same article, the reason for thhe "cover story" of the house being built for the use of the ancient worthies is also mentioned! Rutherford wanted a "theocratic" reason (really excuse) for the house so that he could deflect criticism that the house was being built only for his use, which it was really. (King David had a house, so why not Rutherford?)
The cover story quickly became THE reason for the house, as the real reason (build for Rutherford's exclusive use) did not sound good when trying to explain to others about Beth-Sarim.
Despite what the Watchtower articles claimed, there is no evidence of "teeth gnashing" by anyone over the existence of Beth Sarim.
If anyone was gnashing their teeth, it was the Witnesses themselves, as it is really quite clear who was benefiting from the houase. The JWs were all glad when the house was sold, and they did not have to talk about it anymore. And not talk about it they did! Even today the house is an embarrassment and they do not bring the subject up at all, even among themselves in conversation.