Publication Burning

by Nosferatu 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    This summer in August, to celebrate my 10th year out of the org, I'm having a bonfire complete with WT fuel and alcohol. It's going to be fun and I'll be taking pictures!

    So, if you had to choose only ONE Watchtower publication to burn, which one would it be and why?

    For me, it would probably be the pink "Great Teacher" book. Unfortunately, I don't think I can find a spare one to burn.

  • Emma

    Gee, if I had anything left, I'd send it to you to burn! I think there's one copy of the NWT somewhere in the back of my car.

  • Finally-Free

    The "Youth" book. Because it tried to make me feel guilty for masturbating.

    Didn't work.


  • Nosferatu

    Yeah, I think I have like four copies of the NWT. I'll try finding one to burn (not the leather ones though!). The rest are extras I'm *borrowing* from my mother. So far I only have one Revelation book.

  • lovelylil

    The New World Translation because it is total junk. More than 200 verses have been tampered with and when I found out - I was totally P***ed!, I threw all the copies of it I have out the second floor window of my home (they were upstairs on bookcase) while screaming how much I hate the WT society.

    By the way, that was my first and last tantrum as I was newly out and had a lot of anger to get rid off. Tossing the books out the window, although it freaked out my family, felt GREAAAT!

  • OpenFireGlass

    Did someone say FIRE?

  • blondie

    We aren't allowed to burn material in this area. I'd have to go camping to make a fire and my camping days are over.

    I make do with shredding.


  • luna2

    I have lots of extra copies of that insane Revelation Climax book. Its too bad we can't burn stuff where I live either...actually, its probably a good thing we can't. I'm sure the smoke from that fire would be toxic.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I would personally tear out the page that pictures all the GB members in the Proclaimers book and see that burn

  • sass_my_frass

    I dunno about the burning; only because it gives the books more credit than they deserve. I came across the knowledg book I gave Mr Frass when I wanted him to learn about the craziness so that at least he'd know where all my freakshow relatives are coming from. He read four or five pages and fell asleep, and put it aside for all time. When I saw it I threw it straight onto the stove, but he thought that it wasn't worth that kind of emotion. So if I come across any versions of Mein Kampf I'll burn that, but WBTS publications just go into recycling these days.

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