I don't think I've had a prayer answered.
When you pray to God, who answers your prayers, Jesus or Jehovah?
by JH 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't think I've had a prayer answered.
And now you don't know who to blame, Jesus or Jehovah
Shining One
Hi JH,
Knowing the intent of your question is not the direction of my answer, we pray to God Almighty. Jehovah (mis-translation) or Yahweh is God and is rightly used of all three persons of the Holy Trinity. Each has a role in every one of every believer's prayer. Unbelievers simply get no answer, though that does not mean that God will not act in their behalf. God does whatever suits His divine providence!
The promises of scripture have never been for the unbeliever. This is what is robbed from those who are in Jehovah's Witnesses. They are not in any way, shape or form Christians. They deny the deity and the very nature of God.
Rex -
Double Edge
Does it really matter who answers? It doesn't to me.
John 10:30 (KJV)
I and my Father are one