Does anyone remember the KM a couple of years ago that cited a scripture that doesn't exist? It was something like 2 Tim 3:36, and they had mixed up 1st and 2nd Timothy. I was telling a sister about it today, and I think she didn't believe me. Surely someone else remembers that, or am I going mad?
KM citing scriptures that don't exist...
by slimboyfat 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Was it maybe a typo?
It was a typo of sorts, but as I say, I think it is a chapter and verse that exists in 1 Tim but not in 2 Tim and they got them mixed up. When I looked up 1 Tim instead of 2 Ti, then the reference made sense. Surely someone else noticed it!
You can be sure that if there such an error in the hard copy, that the CD has been corrected, eh?
Yep, another one of those hush-hush corrections to the 'original' that makes it to the bound volumes and the WTCD.
I understand why WTS watchdogs prefer the literature fresh off the presses rather than the compilations such as the bound volumes and the WTCD as you can better trap what the WTS has said before they had a chance to revise their statements.
Just like searching for the auguat 1st wt 1974, yep its on the cd, but i could never get it to come up when searching for info on DF.
A typo - big deal!
Must be the first typo to have occured in the whole wide universe. Well worth a heading like this one.
I can top that
Sorry, I just hit the post button by accident.
Anyway, I can top that. The last article published on the flag salute issue , in the Watchtower, appeared to
involve a complete fabrication! They were trying to fend off the evidence that ancient Hebrews used flags to identify themselves
and quoted Young's Cyclopedia. I was utterly unable to find any quote similar to what they cited - and , in fact, the Cyclopedia
was very favorable to the idea of flags in ancient Israel, contrary to their article.
Calm down dear, it's only a post.