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A really good book about Watchtower history
by Gary1914 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hey check it out. posted a pdf scan of this book to download:
When I navigate from the main page of to the downloads page (actually I have to go to the downloads directly as that main page to the downloads page link is broken again), I do not see this book....yet the URL works perfectly.
I can usually navigate a site fairly well but am a bit puzzled by some of the stuff on reexamine.
My real concern is "What else am I missing?"
Any suggestions are appreciated.
i just tried that link on and it froze up my computer and I had t restart it.
i would very much like to read this book,these were the years I was young, the times I remember that were actually not so bad being a jws, the 50's andearly 60';s. I was a very small child but I even remember the store fronts they used to meet at.
The book is very interresting mainly because it is written in 1967.
On page 399 there is an interessing part about predicting dates and the generation of 1914:
"The governing body is far too careful than to attempt another guess as to the exact year when Armageddon will begin. The most definite thing they have said is, "Some persons living A.D. 1914, when the series of foretold events began, will also be living when the series ends with Armageddon." This gives them considerable leeway, but in about 20 years, assuming Armageddon has not come, they will have to make some adjustments. In the same situation they have done one of two things in the past: (1) shifted the event due to take place to the invisible realm, as they did with the kingdom's establishment in 1914; or (2) shift the dates forward, as they did 1874 to 1914. I do not see how they can do (1), for they have already had done in the heavens most everything that is due to be done there. Their recent book, "Let Your Name Be Sanctified", suggests that they will follow(2), for there they have already shifted the date for the changeover from the Elijah- to the Elisha-work from 1919 to 1942."
It was written in 1967 so not much later they came up with 1975 as the date for Armageddon. Today we are thinking the same that they will not be as stupid to come up with a new date, this makes me wonder if they perhaps will make the same mistake again.
And the author already forsaw the problem with the generation of 1914 dying out he gave it another 20 years, how could he know that they only changed it 28 years after his book by just giving the word generation a different meaning.
I also found a part on the seperation of the sheep and goat how it's meaning changed in the past it's funny to read because at this time JW actually believe the original understanding again. -
Wednesday: I thought it was just my pc that was acting funny with regard to that link. The way I got it was I right-clicked the link and selected "Save Target as...", then saved the pdf to my hard drive. Once it had been downloaded to my hard drive, it worked just fine.
The link was working a few days ago but the pdf file now seems to have been removed.
Oops - that was me above by the way - logged in as my missus by mistake!