I was wondering if there is a mosquitoes expert here that can answer my question. I have tried to find the answer thru the search engine, but could not find the answer so My question is Does white light or red light after dark attract or repel mosquitoes? Thank you in advance for answering my question!
by averyniceguy 20 Replies latest jw friends
Does white light or red light after dark attract or repel mosquitoes?
Stephanus, does it repel or attract?
Does white light or red light after dark attract or repel mosquitoes?
Ballistic, does it repel or attract?
Does white light or red light after dark attract or repel mosquitoes?
I have a reason to ask you this question. I just bought a small headlight headband. I bought it so I can do sign language or read lips in the dark at the beach. I can turn it on white light or red light.
Been there
I don't think Mosquitoes care what color light you use. As long as you are warm, breathing and have a nice supply of blood they will find you. So I would say use what ever color light you can see best in.
From what I gather light attracts mosquitos though they also have very sensitive heat sensors that can home in on humans etc from a long way.
There are light traps that draw them near and then electrically charged parts in them kill the mosquitos when they touch them. -
The real attraction for mosquitos is the CO2 that warm blooded animals exhale. The most successful traps are those that emit CO2 with a small pilot light fueled by gas, like propane. The killing is done by an electrified grid.
The fact that a mosquitos main diet is blood makes it almost impossible to become JW's. There will be no mosquitos in the new world.